Monday, March 11, 2013

What Is Your Biggest Fear???

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Monday, March 11, 2013

Sangat tertarik ngn morning crew punye topic pagi arini "What Is Your Biggest Fear" Aku rasa sume org mst de ketakutan dlm diri die kn. Cume nmpak xnmpak n tnjuk x tunjuk je hehe Even sbb tu la de rancangan Fear Factor kan, so dari situ boleh taw what is the biggest fear yg maybe selama ni org tu xnmpak kn hehe

Before ni xpnah terfikir pon factors which make myself in fear most, then dgn ada nye these topic, baru aku terfikir. Kite tgk pnjang x pnjang list aku *kalo pnjng adakah meaning that aku ni penakut ye* hehe

So my biggest fear is.....

1. Losing people around me. No way!!!!!! Aku xpernah n x bersedia. But kehilangan n kematian tu sume mmg x dijangka n bukan kita yg rancang kn. So...must be prepared and redha. Thats d best we can do i think...

2. Road accident. Im a descent driver *yo lah tuuu* Thats y i try d best to keep on focus on my driving. Tapi its different bila drive sorang2 *syok sendiri* n drive with passengers  Bila sorang2 i'll be more Schumacher *boleh gitu* but more focus sbb no distraction. Bila driving with passengers i'll be more careful n proper n slower because i think about the safety of the passangers. But less focus sbb nk berbual je keje nye *kepochi kateee*. Im afraid of these road accident smpai at last i amek personal insurans so that if anything bad happened to me, i have my back up plan..for my family of course...

3. Nightmares. Aku ni jenis manusia yg sll sgt mimpi. Byk kali plak tu dapat nightmares. Bila jaga dari tidur mcm mood sedeh je aku start la flash back semula pe yg aku mimpi. Msti de mimpi xbest tu. N aku pernah 2x mimpi buruk yg jadi petanda buruk Yepppp.. yg tu sgt sedeh sbb mimpi tu bagi hint yg hubungan chenta aku *chenta la sgt* will come to an end *nanges* But recently a friend of mine de ajar doa2 nk baca before tido utk elak nightmares. Thanx kawan =) Masalah nye amalkan ke tidak??hehe

4. Dentist. Yeppppp..Mmg dari kecik aku xtaw la nape budak2 msti takot nk jmpe dentist. Kalo kt sekolah tu, nmpk je van dentist datang, mule la nk menggigil la, mcm nk balek umah la. Smpai ke besar plak tu. Kalo saket gigi sanggop la mkn pil tahan saket la carik petua itu ini, semata2 xnk jmpe dentist. Teruk no.. Tapi skang thats not my biggest fear la. Sbb dental tu da mcm my second house hehe Cume takot bile nk kuar kn $$$ tu hehe So i think this factor da boleh out dari list kot hehe

5. Banana boat. Nampak je muka ganas rupe nye takot nk nek banana bot.Tapi takot2 aku, tertewas gk aku ngn pujuk2. Masalah aku kalo nek banana bot mst aku mcm nk lemas. Kemain mbayang kn mcm2. muke mak muke abah haha Spoil gile. Time tu la sape2 dekat ngn aku mmg jd mangsa r. Mesti de yg komplem 'cikiii ko sepak aku' 'ko tarik rambut aku' haha Sorry guys. Demi menyelamat kan aku dr lemas aku tpaksa wat tindakan drastik *tpi ape gune nye life jacket tu* hehe Paling worse masa kt KK nek banana bot smpai tercabut tudung aku haha Mmg biggest fear la ko ni Mr Banana haha

6. When my bf said 'Have sumthing to talk' Ok yg tu mmg smpai skrang jd nightmare. Gile kooo. Da tgh berkaseh sayang tu, boleh plak die ckp cmtu, mmg aku da terbayang mcm2. Tapi pe yg aku bayang kn mmg jd knytaan plak tu. Ampessss tol la. Thanx la to 'U' da bagi aku satu kenangan pahit dlm idop aku. Xpe.. i accept it as a way of learning the meaning of love eh life. I think this one is the winner la, xde yg lebif fear dari ni *nanges*

7. Not getting married after the age of 30. Owh.. pleaseeee... Allah..dekat kn n cepat kn lah jodoh aku. Aminnnnn


Nota Kaki : Pnjng nyeee list. Penakot gk e aku ni hehe But No. 4 da boleh out of list n No. 6 boleh letak No. 1 as THE BIGGEST FEAR hehe

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