Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Ok...2 days more to go before Krabi time..
Smlm g money changer. Neves gk sbb one of the friend ckp die cuma dpt tuka 300 Thau Bath je sbb duet Thai da abes..
Ape ramai sgt ke org nk mlncong ke Thailand ni huhu
Aku g money changer dgn harapan yg tinggi..
Pastu aku mntak tuka RM900..Die kate sume duet besar je..
Means that 1000 Thai Bath je..
Ok r..xde masalah pon nnt kt sn aku koyak r jd kecik haha
So sbb xde duet kecik aku dapat 8000 Thai Bath je bersamaan RM 856..
Maksud nye time aku tuko tu RM 1 = 9.3458 That Bath..
hambek ko figure with 4 decimal points hehe
Bajet nk bawak mmg RM1k je sbb flight n hotel da settle..
Tinggal duet utk aktiviti, makan2 n shopping!!!!! hehe
RM 900 da tuko ke Thai Bath, RM100 lagi aku standy je in-case la kannnnn
Tapi kalo lebih bawak la balik tuko semule duet tu, boleh wat shoping2 kt cni plak hehe

Boarding pass pon da siap print..
TAPI...domestic je JB-KL-JB..
Sebab KL-Krabi-KL aku xboleh nk check-in lg..
Sebab aku x ingt no pasport n expired sume tu..
Ye r passport kt umah hehe
Xpe..Sok aku wat hehe

Kalo ni dalam RM kayo la hakuuuuuu hehe

Unik sbb gamba pkai DSLR..kerlassss hehe

Resit convert currency

Yeahhhhhh lets flyyyyyyyy

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++ enjoy lil things in life ++



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