Ok...today (as this entry is made) i am officially 28 years old. Syukur, i am able to have this chance of having a wonderful and beautiful journey of life through all this passed 28 years. Believe it or not??? Should have to believe it!!!!!
28 tahun..xbanyak lagi yg aku blajar n aku rasa de byk lagi bnde yg perlu aku hadapi n aku blaja utk jdi kn pedoman idop. Moga Allah berikan aku pluang utk terus bernafas n kecapi nikmat idop ni.
At the age of 28, aku de pekerjaan yg amazing n stabil. Aku bersyukur dgn rezeki yg Allah beri. Sbb x semua org boleh dapat kerja yg dia nak. Tapi aku Alhamdulillah, mmg ni la yg aku nk dari dulu. Sampai sanggup tuka course masa kt UiTM dulu sbb nk amek Engineering. So at last dpt keje dlm bidang ni. Lucky kan. Tu pon kdng2 masih nk merungut lagi. Dasar manusia hehe Gaji aku xde la besar sgt tapi cukup la nk bagi keluarga rasa, cukup la nk punya sikit asset, cukup la utk berbelanja utk keperluan diri. Kdng2 yg xperlu pon dapat gk hehe *shopaholic*
Please Allah, make everything that i gain from my job is halal n blessed and avoid me from unwanted sources.Aminnnn
At the age of 28, aku de family yg amazing n bombastik. Abah..Emak..Along..Abg Wahab..Angah..Kak Zya..Ude..Kak Put..Ellot..Suzie..Bedah..Aisya..Thank u guys u are incredibly amazing persons. Walaupon kdng2 de yg x bersatu hati, de yg bercakap pesong, tapi that makes the family perfect with spices hehe percaya lah kdng2 bila aku menyendiri mksud nye aku menjauhi dari memesong kan diri dgn kata2 yg x sepatut nye. Aku diam maksud nye aku cuba utk x berbicara buruk. Bukan bercakap diri aku ni baik, tapi aku cube jd yg lebih baik. Insya Allah....
Please Allah, protect my family from harm n bad things and unite us always. Aminnnn...
At the age of 28, i have bunches of amazing friends. I dont have to worry of being alone as long as i still have these amazing friends in my life. Mmg btol, kawan waktu kite senang mudah dicari, kawan waktu kite susah payah dicari. Tapi x semua kawan macam tu. Alhamdullillah, all my friends show their true colours from the start hehe I can get laugh and laugh and laugh with them (smpai saket rahang), i can borrow their shoulders and ears for my sad stories (kalo xnk pon aku paksa bg pnjm), i can lend my shoulders n ears to comfort my friends, and i can have amazing times and holidays with them. Alhamdulillah.
Please Allah, keep all these amazing friends blessed and make them happy always..Aminnnn..
At the age of 28, i still hevent meet my soulmate. Yess!!!its amazing hehe Dalam umur ni, ramai yg da berumah tangga, banyak yg sudah mempunyai ank sendiri, ada juga yg dah kahwin lebih sekali, n x kurang jugak yg blom berkahwin mcm aku ni hehe Tapi for myself, i do believed that jodoh will come eventually. Cuma bila, siapa, Allah saja yg tahu. I have failed in relationships before. Kdng2 jumpa dgn org yg berkawan dgn maksud yg terpesong. Berkawan dgn org yg berstatus yg xsepatut nye. Hurmmm...jao sgt la awak ni jodoh. Xsmpai2 kt saye e hehe Berapa ramai yg da bertanya. Berapa banyak kali dah diperli. Berapa ramai yg mendoakan yg baek2 . Berapa ramai yg bagi petua. Jodoh kan rahsia Allah, hanya Dia yg tahu yg terbaik untuk hamba Nya ini. Xpe, sabar lah hati, tu sume bg pengalaman n pengajaran kan. Things will get better someday Insyaallah.
Please Allah, grant me sumeone with true n sincere heart to be with me. Accept me the way i am, all my imperfection and weakness. N understand me. Aminnnn
As 28 comes, i admit that i love my life much. My life is wonderfull. Syukur...
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im a happy kidddddd yayyyyyyyy |
Nota Kaki : Tapi still xcaye im 28.gahhhhhh.i still feel like im 12. young n wild hehe

The best post ever!!! Happy belated besday once again! :)
thnx mak leha.....
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