Sneak peak at wishes yg aku dapat masa birthday aritu. Not all but sesetengah yg mencuit hati aku hehe
Yg paling mencuit wish through fax. Naseb baek mesin fax mmg de kt department aku. Kalo x masak org len jmpe kad tu hehe Pastu berebut plak. Sorang da wish thru fax, yg sorang lg nak gak..Mmg
propa la ehh Popia r korang!!!! Aku sayang korang smpai bila2 hehe
N the very 1st wish mmg as usual from Jobstreet like
last year but last year lg cute kot hehe Maklum la aku kn pelanggan tetap Jobstreet haha
Pastu SMS wish from Ocean Optical. Ni pon every year die wish. Aku rase da 5 taon diorang xpernah lupe wish. Maklum la aku pon pelanggan tetap diorang gk. Siap de wat mmber ship card lg ko. Kerlasssss!!!!
N a creative card from my offcemate. OK!!!mmg terharu n smpai skang i tmpal lg kt dinding ye hehe
The most advanced wish - Jobstreet |
Netlog pon wish!!! erk..da xbukak pon Netlog ni hehe |
This 1 is cute from Jobpoint =) |
Ocean Optical - never failed wishing me =) |
Fax wish from my Popiah mucuk2 - Iza |
From my Popia mucuk2 too - Jaja N Lulu |
kreatif kad from my officemate. pakai A3 lg ko. offce punye hehe |
Ni wish paling tacinh.xtaw nape tp mata mcm berkaca2 bile baca. da mcm mata anime hehe |
++ enjoy lil things in life ++
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