Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Out With Nieces

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Cuti sekolah. Memandang kn bdak2 ni pon xde org nk jaga, after keje aku terus pick up diorang kt umah n terus g Dataran Jb makan stimbot Yuhuuuu 1 of my faveret lepaking spot. Kalo dulu lepak kt cni ngn Geng Botam dr after mghrib smpai tgh malam. Smpai kedai nk tutup hehe

So this time aku bawak r bdak2 ni. Sbb after tu nk g Bazar Karat JB plak carik jersey harimau selatan Aisya tu. So jnji ngn adek aku Elot jmpe dlm kol 6.30 kt dataran. Tapi ujan lebat gile kt Bukit Indah n Horizon Hill. Smpai Danga Bay je ujan renyai. So harap2 r x ujan kt dataran sbb tmpt tu open space kn

So luckily mmg x ujan lg Tapi da mendung gepal gile. So utk slmt duduk la bawah payung hehe ok nikmat sgt dpt mkn tauhu+char kway bako. Ni mmg all-time feveret aku. Stimbot pon aku mkn manja2 je sbb da mngadap tauhu+char kway tu hehe

Skali tgh2 mkn tu ujan lebat lama daaa Abes payung pon terbang. Seb bek payung kitorang ok je hehe

After ujan da renyai tu terus nk g Bazar Karat. Cepat2 g sbb nk lepak kt Chaiwala plak. Minum2 teh kn. Skali plak die tutup. Haishhhh mmg xde ong nihhhh Rupe nye die bukak untill 6.30 je except Friday n Saturday kot huhu

Dalam kecewa2 tu last2 lepak kt IT Roo Cafe plak smbil2 nk tnggu bazar karat siap setting tmpt. Kt area tu mmg byk kedai cute2 so just carik je r. 'The Best Chicken Chop In Town' moto kedai ni. Ok r since we ordered Mushroom Chicken Grill. N tea die mmg sedap. Pahit n lemak hehe

Mmg knyang tahap xtaw nk ckp pe r. Mane x nye makan da mcm membela plak kn haha So after da settle terus bjalan g Bazar Karat. Terus hunting utk jersey harimau selatan Aisya ni. Kedai jersey mmg byk tapi nk carik yg size budak kecik tu susah huhu Tapi de kdai yg best. Tokeh die pon baik. N yg penting de size bdak kecik. Byk choice plak tu. Mule2 mntak kurang die acah2 xnk bg last2 bila die pulang kn balance die bg gk kurang hehe Dalam diam2 abg ni. Try r carik kt area2 lorong barang antik tu de 1 kedai jersey kt situ.

So kira dlm family, Aisya is the 1st yg de jersey harimau selatan r. Tahniah Cah!!! hehe Aku pon ingt nk beli gk yg kaler Itam+Pink tu *pink jugekkk* tapi nnti dulu r. Poket kne di lock skang ni hehe

Aku yg konon2 xnk beli pape just nk bawak budak2 ni bjalan akhr nye terbeli gk sleeveless shirt aka singlet corak Union Jack haha Mmg tgh trend kan fashion union jack ni so aku konon2 nye xnk ketinggalan r tu haha Ok r boleh wat pkai kt Krabi nnt hehe

Stimbot n tauhu+char kway bako. My feveretttt

Aisya..stylo ngn topi tu hehe

Bedah hehe kalo kt dpn org xbagi pnggl Bedah


IT Roooo

Teh sedap @ It Roo Cafe

The Best Chicken Chop In Town


Gmbo ciken cop xde. curik gmbo ni dr Instagram Elot hehe

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++ enjoy lil things in life ++



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