Friday, April 15, 2011

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Friday, April 15, 2011 0 comments
"There is no heart stronger than a heart of a fighter, It doesn't matter how many times you fall, all that matter is how many times you get up..."

++ enjoy lil things in life ++

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hepi Bfdae Shiro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Thursday, April 14, 2011 0 comments
HEPI BFDAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(dlm nada mjerit okeh!!)
Yeay!!!!!!Shiro da setaon ngn aku...
Begitu setia nye shiro ngn aku ni..
Salah ayt 2..
Setie nye aku ngn Shiro kn.....
Shiro...I luv u muahhhh k....
Jgn meragam2...(sbb stakat ni Shiro xpenah meragam)
Pasni nak jage Shiro elok2...
Xnk saket2 kn Shiro lg...
Xnak luka2 kn Shiro lg..
Sbb stakat setaon Shiro ngn aku...
da mcm luka aku wat kt Shiro...
Kiri...kana ..kanan..depan...belakang...
Sori Shiro.....
Tp Shiro baek kn....
Jgn nakal2 e Shiro....
Kalo xnakal nnti belikn asesori lg kt Shiro....

++ enjoy lil things in life ++


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