Friday, March 15, 2013

Minor Surgical Lagik!!!!

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Friday, March 15, 2013
Campur ngn kali ni punye session,da 2x la aku wat minor surgical utk gigi aku. Tu la kecik2 dulu tkot sgt nk jmp dentist. Sanggop ngaku gigi xsaket semata2 xnk g dentist. Kan skang hasil nye gigi ku lurus dan rata mcm jalan nk g cameron huhu

Kalo nk ty perasaan nye wat minor surgery tu da mcm xde perasaan kot. Bknnye nk kate aku gagah berani mcm power rangers pink *nk jugak pink* tp sbb aku jnis kalo aku takot aku xnk pikir so whatever will happen,will happen eventually. So wat2 gagah la. Kalo asek pikir je injection la,bius la,pisau la,stitches la mmg xg dental la aku akhr nye.

So aku nk wat calculation sket brape byk e gigi aku da terbuang since aku wat braces aritu. Jengjengjeng....

1. 1st minor surgery (kiri bawah) - 1 btng
2. 1st extraction utk braces (kanan) - 2 btng
3. 2nd extraction utk braces (kiri) - 2 btng
4. 2nd minor surgery (kanan atas n bawah) - 2 btng total da buang 7 btng gigi ye.. Homaiiii sedeh.. Da kategori rongak kot aku ni huhu Da lame da all that tooties berjasa ngn i,akhirnye khidmat mereka ditamat kn *nanges* baibaiiii tooties. We'll gonna miss each other soon. Thnx for all the good n hard times

So kesimpulan nye kalo aku de ank nnt,mmg dr kecik lg aku bawak g jmp dentist so gigi jd rata n cntek mcm jagung cameron highlands hehe

Prjam celik tido bangun, da 6 bulan aku pakai braces ni..Hokehhhhhh 1 year to go!!!! Kamon!!!!!!

Senyum seindah suria~~~~

Nota Kaki : Doc kate aku sorang yg berani walaupon terang2 aku mngaku aku ni penakut hehe thanx ye doc mberi 1 semangat utk sy kembaki ke dental hehe

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