Its not about cosidering whats people's thought..Its not about not considering my self-needs..But its about what i promise to myself. And i will fullfill it as far as i can. As long as i can take everything thats happened and go through every challenging things come to me.
Thanx Allah for making me a strong person to do the decision and im grateful to be given the chance to have these options in my life.
I hope that im doing the right decision that im not gonna regret in the next coming days. Even i know that i lost the chance of having more, but hopefully less is better.
Foot Note : Tahun Baru, azam baru. Joging da 2 ari so kena terus kan walau pon badan haku ni saket2 hehe *xde kaitan*

bila nk panjat gunung..hehe
hahaha jom set time!!! aku da wat preparation jog ptng2 ni haha
sila set time! i miss the smell of gunung!!!! chicky finally you had the decision!!!!!!!!!!! #jogetlambak
mak leha..shuffle la moden sket. nk lincah gangnam style haha
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