Saturday, January 26, 2013

I Just Havent Met You Yet

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Saturday, January 26, 2013
Suka sgt lagu Michael Buble ni. Dari 1st time aku dgr (taon 2010 kot) smpai skang mst WAJIB de dlm list download aku hehe lagu die rentak best pastu mcm comel2. Mcm lagu dolu2 hehe Tapi xpnah plak aku nk kaji sgt lirik die. Bila aku saja2 tgk lirik die..WOWWWW!!!! sgt persamaan ngn diri aku. Kenape..Ko tgk je la Jemah oiiiii
"Haven't Met You Yet"
I'm not surprised, not everything lasts
I've broken my heart so many times I stopped keeping track

Talk myself in, I talk myself out
I get all worked up then I let myself down

I tried so very hard not to loose it
I came up with a million excuses
I thought, I thought of every possibility

And I know some day that it’ll all turn out
You'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And I promise you kid that I give so much more than I get

I just haven't met you yet
I might have to wait, I’ll never give up
I guess it's half timin and the other half's luck
Wherever you are, whenever it's right
You'll come outta nowhere and into my life

And I know that we can be so amazin
And baby your love is gonna change me
And now I can see every possibility

Somehow I know that it’ll all turn out
You'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And promise you kid I'll give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet

They say all’s fair in love and war
But I won’t need to fight it
We'll get it right and we'll be united

And I know that we can be so amazin
And bein in your life is gonna change me
And now I can see every single possibility

And someday I know it'll all turn out
And I'll work to work it out
Promise you kid I’ll give more than I get

Oh you know it'll all turn out
And you'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And promise you kid to give so much more than I get yeah
I just haven't met you yet

I just haven't met you yet
Oh promise you kid to give so much more than I get
I said love love love love love love love
I just haven't met you yet
Nampak x di situ yg Jemah highlight n bold tu. Yg red tu kisah Jemah yg lepas2, yg blue plak pe yg Jemah harap kan hahaha kerlass ko Jahhhh. Boleh jadik buku cerita plak lagu ni kan haha Memang kuat dongeng la ko ni Jemah haha
Ape????? xpenah dgr lagu ni?? g 4shared download sane. Msti ketagihan nk dgr je lagu ni. Xpon layan la video bawah ni haaaaa. Senang cite..
Nota Kaki : Dulu suke lagu ni sbb selalu ingt kt OO, tapi OO da nak kawen kot haha  I'm not surprised, not everything lasts lalala
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++ enjoy lil things in life ++



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