Nk kate semangat sbb de azam baru dlm kerjaya 2013, mmg xde pon rase nye. So far de 2 je azam taon baru aku, n xde masuk list utk kerja *aku mmg stone bab kerja* hehe Kalo refer kt entry NI mmg berderet gk azam 2012 aku kn..tu la malas nye nk berazam.Drpd 4 azams, satu je yg terrealisasi iaitu item no (2)..tuko fon...yg len mmg berkubur since Mr HS da jd 'somebody that i used to know' *sbb byk azam 2012 berpusing kt Mr HS jek*..xpe...kena TABAH!!!!!Fon yg da tuka aka SUCI mmg still setia n sabar ngn aku even da beribu kali terjatuh la terhempas la tercalar la *ter sume nye di situ sbb bukan sengaja pong*
So...taon ni so far boh 2 je azam hehehe *siket kn but better than nothing*
1) still about xxxxx kena usaha dlm taon ni gk. lautan api akn kuredah gune perahu kalis api haha
2) to control my exxxxxn *so far 2 ari ni da nmpk perubahan* hehe
Org kate azam ni xboleh nk reveal sgt takot x mjadi. that why boh XXX je hehe. sape org yg ckp tu??? aku laaaaaa hahaha
So...gudbye 2012 *nanges* a lot of happiness n sadness through 365days of 2012.I appreciate all the happiness and will always remain as memories..N i took all those sadness things to be the guidance and help me to be stronger n more positive person
A lot of memories in 2012..yang paling best on March/April de holiday with the gugirls to KK.1st time travel with friends. So memories yg susah nk dapat...priceless...then broke up with Mr HS *that was sad, but i dont took it too much. xde jodoh.lebih baik begini.i quit working with my all-time favourite company, Pamir Development on September. Really damn hard thing to do but i hav no choice since i want the best for my future.that was sad too.i have really good colleagues there n still have *appreciate that pals*
Holiday ngn family xdapat nk join very last minute even da isi leave form, then terpakse batal kan sbb keje tgh menggila time tu *i really am a motivated worker*
N one more sad story..i lost my all-time faviourite cat..YIPPIE...RIP Yippie...always in my heart.kucing paling baek n paling mentouching kan bile die pernah teman kan aku kt umah di kala all the family g Langkawi.good compliment Yippie.
No more turning back.Just go with every coming days in 2013. Enjoy every little things in my life.
So... WELCOME 2012 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nota kaki : Title entry ni mcm lagi seswai 'Welcome 2013' atau 'Byebye 2012' atau '2013' tapi xpe la...Jemah da suka ngn title ni hehe

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