Time2 hati tgh gundah gulana kt tmpt kerja mcm ni mst tringat kt ex Boss aku. Kdng2 aku label die as "My Boss My Hero" *macam Korea kn* sbb dlm byk2 bos aku pernah de, die la yg paling
Kalo de bnde salah yg ank2 buah die buat, die akn judge ikot yg mana betol. Byk kali gk die back-up aku sbb aku kena hentam ngn client n consultant pasal submission. Antara kisah nye : utk setiap project yg dlm dlm early start stage, mst kena de insurans n bank guarantee. Insurans cover notes original aku da submit kt client. Bukan submit bodoh je, tapi de acknowledge rceived by client lg. Tu pon masih client xnk mengaku yg die da terima original insurans cover notes tu. WHAT THE!!!! Kucar kacir da keadaan time tu. Sume org nk carik aku sbb aku yg wat submission tu. Tapi pe lagi boleh wat kalo acknowledge received da de. Receiver aka client punye hal la. Bila aku report kejadian tu kt Boss aku dr A to Z, die just kate "biar la mereka yg bodo" haha cool gile boss aku. Caya lah boss !!!!!
Die xpnah nk marah2..cool je. Sbb bg die every single thing has its own solutions. So xperlu pening2. Salute boss !!!!
So each time aku facing bnde melibatkan keje or manager yg menghuru harakan kepala aku ni, aku mst ingt Boss aku tu. Aku mst nk cmpare kalo ngn situation boss aku tu. Even sbnr nye aku de byk boss, tapi Boss ni sorang je yg melekat kt pale aku. Sbb aku kagum, respect n salute ngn cara die
Boss..miss to work with u anymore.Semoga boss terus suksess
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Nmpak x boss i yg tersenyum bahagia kt blkng tu. Gmba ni time farewell party utk aku nk benti keje aritu |
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Boss punye posing ni mcm sama je. Macam copy paste hehe |

Sian jemah..kene marah dengan sape ni? #tumpangsedihwpunhatisendirigundahgulana. huhu
boss ko sgt cool..:)kdg2 boss2 ni tau nk cekedarah keringat kita je..huhu
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