But theres 2 coffees that i addicted much.
1. Hazelnut White Coffee from Old Town White Coffee
2. Ali Kopi from Ali Cafe
Those are gorgeously taste n i cant even imagine the deliciousness in it. I cant even describe it because its too good. But things that i discover whenever i drink these coffees:
1. My tummy become angin bergoncang2
2. I cant sleep at night
Normally im having coffees during evening time or dinner time. So get ready Mak Jemah because sure u felt so penat try to close yr eyes, pray hard, imagine beautiful things, but u can never get to sleep. Untill u realize its because of the power of the coffee itself. Then u gave up n u woke up n u do other things instead of terbaring kaku waiting for yr eyes to get close hehe buang masa!!!
Those things happened again n again but i never gave up of having a cup of my all-time favourite coffee. Suffer a bit didnt mean that u hav to give up yr addiction to something. Yess im addicted but now im suffering.
As this entry is made, im still in the condition of widely awake. Thats y im posting this entry. Because i try to find something to do in order to make myself sleepy. But still cant!!!!
What else can i do next??? Doing laundry? Sweeping? Do some fitting?
Hurm... Think.. Think... Think...

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