Credit to myself !!!!! *standing ovation everyone* and clap!!clap!!clap!!
Gamba ni original xde edit just amek pakai camera Suci. Aku rase ni the best photo yg aku pernah amek tanpa edit *selalu edit pkai instagram la camera 360 la*
Gamba ni aku rasa unik sbb kaler awan tu kot campur padang yg ijau. Pastu de plak simbol jam nenas tu hehe
Aku amek time tgh jogging that day *kerlasss ko g jogging konon2* haha Time ni da mendung sgt n nk ujan. Aku pon da huru hara sgt berjalan laju2 takot ujan turun mencurah2 ke ladang gandum
Suke dgn topic morning crew Hitz.fm 'so we want to know what u would bring back' n de 1 caller ni kate he want to bring back the times when photos are not lying haha so this guy said the the photos are looking good online but then when meeting time its like 'OMG!!!' hahaha terketawe besar Jemah sbb mmg tu habit Jemah pon haha sape mkn budu die rase masin nye yeeee

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