Monday, August 24, 2015

Positive-vibe Friend

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Monday, August 24, 2015
As a 1st time mommy ni kn,off course r aku xde experience dlm bab2 bersalin ni n I cant even imagine the pain n the situations at that time. So bile da xde experience ni start r mommy2 yg da mmg mommy tu masing2 xnk kalah nk share pengalaman yg pelik2 tu huhu

Kdg2 aku mmg malas nk dgr taw,bukan sbb sombong or berlagak tp aku xnk give negative thinking at my mental preparation. Off course r takot kn nk bersalin ni tp i really need a positive supports from peoples around me. 

So far family mmg ok je tp de certain officemate n kawan2 yg share cite2 yg ngeri tu mmg aku jd ngeri terus huhu

Tp td as i walked back from the lads,aku jumpa sorang chinese friend from the other project. Die super excited tgk perut aku gile beso mcm bola. Tp die kate time die preggy 2nd kid perut die lg beso even cant see her feets hehe

Then whenever she asked me about my feeling,aku just kate nervous hehe then die kate 'do not hear what people told u about their bad experiences. I knew some people might frighten u with their old stories,but u hv to enjoy the moments. U hv to be excited that the baby will come out eventually'

There!!! 1st time aku dgr positive words 
dr kawan aku. N she is a chinese friend.. Asal kawan2 melayu je cite yg ngeri2 kn. pelik plak aku. N yg best nye this chinese friend siap ty da book tukang urut?penting utk nmpk cantek semule hehe

I really like this kind of person. Very positive n giving motivation to myself. Tq friend..

++ enjoy lil things in life ++


nolly on August 25, 2015 at 10:25 AM said...

sama la ngan aku.. xyah la tnya sgt pengalaman org.. pastu xyah baca sgt yg kt internet.. of cos pengalaman org lain2.. pd aku prepare diri sendiri sudah.. bykkan berzikir, mengaji, bdoa, mntak maaf kt suami n family.. mudah mudahan lancar proses bsalin.. huhuu

Goodluck mommy!!

chickyirdawati on August 25, 2015 at 11:09 AM said...

nolieeeee ko kembali. blog ko sunyi hehe tu la. same2 gud luck!! hehe


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