Sunday, August 16, 2015

Free Gift dari Drypers

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Sunday, August 16, 2015
Salah satu bnda in list utk baby mestilah diapers. Either yg disposal pr cloth diapers. Tp aku mmg salute kt mommy yg pkai cloth diapers ni. Sbb nk kne rajin tahap langit ketujuh py tu. kalo aku mmg x bape nk rajen. Ehhhh rajen gk tp xde masa sgt r. Tp elok naw pkai cloth diapers tu taw. Environmental n pocket friendly hehe

Masa aku jalan2 kt Jusco tgk diapers tu,aku pon xtaw nk pilih brand pe. Sbb 1st time kn. mmg xde experience tp bile tgk2 size yg kecik cume de brand Drypers je. So sapu je r brand ni. Kalo agk2 x bagus nnt tuka r brand len kn hehe

So aku beli Drypers Wee Wee Dry size S. Kalo ikot nasihat kawan aku xyah bli diapers utk newborn sbb pkai jap je. Pkai size S je terus. Kalo meronta sgt nk beli newborn size beli sket je kang bazir plak.

Pastu de plak offcemate aku ty aku da beli diapers blom. So aku ckp r cmtu cmni. Die kate since ank die baby mmg die pkai Drypers sbb die pnh gune jename X mcm kebocoran. Pastu siap r die ajo aku soh register kt website Drypers utk kumpul point. Every point accumulate boleh redeem brg Drypers. 

So aku kn mmg pantang dgr bnd best ni terus segera aku register. Pastu once kite register je terus dpt brg Drypers free taw hehe

So free gift die hand towel. Ok r tu kn bmd free,bg plastik smpah pon aku amek hehe die kate it will be posted to your adress within 40days. So aku pon xde r tnggu2 sgt kn.

Ehhhh tetibe smpai plak free gify nye arini. Tadaaaaaaa

Dpt 2 hand towels. Untung gk hehe so pasni kena gigih isi code kt website Drypers so that boleh redeem mcm2 brg hehe

++ enjoy lil things in life ++



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