Friday, August 28, 2015

All-time Favourite - Chatime

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Friday, August 28, 2015
Dari zaman bujang, sampai bercinta (aku menjebak kan Mr Reza) smpai la ni da preggy, Chatime ni mmg feveret gile2. Tp start preggy ni makin menjadik2 taw. Seb bek x bape nk mahal kn so boleh r nk berulang2 beli. Kalo dok kemaruk nk Starbuck kang mmg xmmpu nye hehe

Chatime ngn office x bape jao tp yg mencabo nye tu bab parking. Kalo kt Bukit Indah mmg problem bab parking. Kalo setakat double park tu mmg habit je hehe

Aku kalo da nk sgt bli Chatime tu mmg sanggop berpusing2 byk2 kali semata2 nk Chatime hehe

Dr 1st dulu jd customer die ni mmg aku de wat Bcard ni. Bukan gune kt Chatime je de byk tmpat boleh gume mcm Kenny Rogers pastu x ingt lg hehe pastu kite kumpul point n boleh redeem point

Ni my all-time feveret. Roasted Milk Tea Large Size Less Sugar with Pudding. Homaigodddd sedap nyeeeee. Dulu aku amek topping pearl tp once da try yg pudding tu terus fall in love hehe

Da pnh try flavor yg len tp tetap ni ug jd pojaan ati hehe

Aritu kn aku da berjaya redeem 1 air large size ni. Meaning that mmg byk sgt r point aku kn haha org xpnh redeem hehe

Walaupon de Coolblog, Each a Cup ke pape lg, Chatime tetap di hati hehe

++ enjoy lil things in life ++



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