Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Airpak Express

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Aku ni kn sejak jd online shopper tegar,mcm2 courier service da gune. Means that sender r yg gune post parcel kt aku. Dari post laju yg kdg2 laju kdg2 hangin, GeDex yg super fast, Kangaroo yg melompat, Nationwide Express yg pelik2, ABX yg super slow.

Tp kali ni py parcel gune Airpak Express. Aku pnh dgr courier service ni tp xpnh plak gune service ni. Da r HQ die kt Jb ni kt ceruk jao sgt tu.

Ok r cite die cmni. Aku ni brg baby pon byk bli online. So this time aku de order set tilam baby ngn bantal n sarung skali kt ig. So aku mmg da order time bulan puasa aritu. Tp takes time la sbb order byk n aku py due pon lmbt lg kn.

Tilam yg aku order tu mcm ni. Cute kn hehe kalo nk order tilam cencomel cm aku order tu try tgk kt ig baby_umyra_pillow. Aku tu pon bek sgt taw hehe payment wat deposit dulu. Da siap br wat full payment. Tp mcm aku ni total hrge tm235. Aku bg deposit rm200 sbb malas nk hold payment hehe

So bile akak tu nk posting brg,die bg r consignment note no tu. skali tgk alamakkk bukan post laju r plak. So next day tu try check tracking no..

Hahhhhh gini je hasil nye. Xdetail langsung kalo pos laju tu mmg detail abes setiap port die record. Yg ni ntah detail pe pon aku xpaham. Pastu tetibe ptg aku dgr fon ringing. Tp that time aku de discussion so aku x answered pon. Then tetibe akak sender tu whtsapp kate Airpak xdpt hantar ke address aku tu. siap die bg no Airpak JB utk clarify. No problem i'll call tmrrw pasal time tu pon da kol7 n i was still at the offce huhu

Then today morning as i was already in the office tu (around 9am cmtu) tried call dlm 3x xde answered. Ok fine office xbukak lg la tu xpon tgh breakfast kt pantry haha Then after de sorang lady tu pick up phone, cakap da r mcm org mengantuk, pastu mcm nk marah aku plak. Then aku ckp mslh aku tu,Die pass kt customer service. KATE NYEEE. Nk tnggu line pick up tu, mmg mak ko iaju lame nye. Siap aku boleh communicate ngn officemate aku lg. Then da beberape minit tu de gk la yg pick up. Tu pon cakap mcm nk xnk pastu mintak consignment note no.

Die check kn pastu die kate, Airpak xde masuk ke alamat aku ni. Ehhhhh boleh e cmtu. Bukan org bayo ko postage fee tu mmg utk hanto brg ke. Ni boleh plak de g xde g ekkkk. Pastu aku ty so cane ngn parcel aku ni? die kate either aku self pick up kt kaunter or die post ke alamat len. Amboihhhhh x canggih btol Airpak ni lahhhhh

Then aku ty kalo anto ke Nusajaya boleh ke, sbb alamat offce Nusajaya kn. So die kate boleh. Fine!!! Sejuk sket ati aku. So die kate arini deliver kt offce. Ok kite tnggu nnt smpai ke idok tilam baby tu huhu

Pape pon kesimpulan nye Airpak Ekspress mmg hampehhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
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