Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Goodbye Celcom & Hye RedOne

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Ni aku nk cite pasal phone line aku ni. No yg aku pkai skang ni d 2nd no yg aku pnh pkai. Meaning that aku mmg bukan jenis yg sket2 nk tuko no. Gado ngn bf tuko no. Kne stalk ngn bank tuko no. 

So aku da pkai no ni since aku kt matrix lg dlm taon 2003. Time tu nk bli simcark mak ko mahal beno xmcm skang. Dulu no bese2 kebanyakan paling murah dlm rm50. Tp no aku ni aku bli rm65 sbb no ni no aku pilih. Ehhhh kalo korang de save r no aku kn, mst r korang perasan no aku cntek n tsusun kn #silamuntahhijau

1st bli line hotlink dulu. Hotlink tu maxis versi prepaid. Ye r zaman student mane la hado nye duet nk pkai postpaid. Zaman tu pon kalo gune postpaid da super hebat haha then taon 2007 aku tuka jd postpaid maxis sbb aku bli pakej ngn iphone 4s. Memule gune bil ok. After few years ru rase bil mmg mengecewakan n xsepadan ngn line yg teruk. Seriously maxis is the worst line ever. Smpai skang aku dgr the same problems dr kawan2 aku huhu

Then taon 2013 aku tuko ke celcom postpaid. Celcom line mmg superb. Kg ke celah bedah mane pon tetap de line. Tp lame2 bil pon mencanak gk. ehhh aku xpaham taw service provider ni. Makin lame kite gune servis die makin hampeh die layan kite. Saket ati jemah!!!!

Sampai r ujung taon 2015 tgh jln2 kt Jusco Bukit Indah de plak sales rep RedOne approach aku. Pastu aku mcm bminat n ty r pasal coverage kn. ye r line cikai2 ni takot nye coverage mcm hape plak kn. tp RedOne ni die tumpang transmit tower ngn Celcom. So kt mane de line Celcom kt situ de line RedOne.

Komitmen plak? Sgt murah. Rm8 utk calls n sms (certain limit) pastu rm45 utk 3gb intrnt. Ok r aku nk mencoba. Kalo x mencoba ko xkn taw. Switch line free 10 je tp yg hampeh lg menghapakan nk tnggu line activated tu mmg makan ati btol. Siyes koooo lame gile almost 1 week. Everyday gk r aku dok emails n calls pushed diorg activate kn line sbb line Celcom time tu da release da huhu

After da a few months gune RedOne ni aku mmg puas ati sbb bill mmg jimat sgt. Mr Reza subline aku so meaning that kitorg join bill so normally bill kitorg 2 org dlm rm100 cmtu. Ko x happy ke gitu. Sbb nye RedOne ni kalo quota intrnt ko abes, xboleh suke2 nk topup quota mcm Celcom n Maxis tu. so bill ko xde r berlebihlebihan hehe so kalo da abes quota tu intrnt jd slow tp stil boleh surf la without extra charges hehe

Paling best nye line die mmg superb. Setakat 3g tu bnd bese beb. Aku sll line 4g lg. kalah Celcom. Thats y aku berani nk suggest kt kawan2 aku hehe

Sorry aku bukan agent aku cume pengguna yg jujur. Provider len mcm umobile ir digi or apa2 aku xtaw sbb xde pengalaman. Ni based on my own experience hehe

++ enjoy lil things in life ++



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