Goodbye 2015 n welcome 2016. There's sooo much memories in 2015 that I cant capture in my mind. 365 days n memories happened everyday. My brain cells cant even remember every single memories. U brought soo much things in my life. Happiness & sadness. Let the sadness be the teacher of life. But the happiness will be remains forever in my heart.
The day that I found myself preggy. Bunting pelamin u olls hehe sape x gembira dgn rezeki itu kn hehe
Feb 2015 - family holiday & jalan2 carik makan le Penang n Loq Staq. CNY py holiday,penat harung jem hoiiii. Pasni CNY mmg dok umh tgk pearl screen kt tv je haha
May 2015 - our family vacation to KK Sabah as requested by who-else our abah hehe I was 5 months preggy at that time but my tummy still not visisble kan hehe
August 2015 - my new-born baby defined as a miracle baby since he was born on Malaysia's Indie Day. N even the doc said that this baby is a miracle baby since he ran a very crucial moments during delivery time but was safely delivered by his small petite mommy hehe welcome to the world my son, Karl Muhammad Khaizan
Dec 2015 - our 1st physical holiday together to Janda Baik & Bukit Tinggi Pahang. Hope there will be more opportunities to travel together InsyaAllah...
Welcome 2016. Hope that it will be more exciting and give more rezeki to myself & my family. Stay unite together n have a happy moments like we used to be.

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