Monday, February 29, 2016

Bye Nokkkkk!! I'm Gonna Miss U For Sure

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Monday, February 29, 2016 0 comments

Last day nok nita ngn kitorg. She's gonna transfer to another department for good sake. Gud luck nokkkk. I knew that this is the best opportunity for u to expand yr skill.

1st time jmp anita ni after 3 days joining UEMS. From the 1st day kenal die da rapat mcm hape sbb same2 mak jemah. N die je aku rase yg paham pe aku rase time stress2 keje kt situ huhu

Setakat wat 'crime' 2 org mmg sll. Yesss she is my partner in crime. Pernah kitorg kne g meeting kt Spore berdua balek tu sanggop g pusing jao gile semate2 nk makan nasik ayam tersedap n coconut shake terenak kt rnr south bound hehe

Nokkk thnx for being a gud friend sepanjang aku kt UEMS. I dont have best friends but enough to have a gud friend like u. Bila ko da xde kt dept tu aku pon rase mcm nk blah huhu

Thnx nokkk n gud luck T_T

++ enjoy lil things in life ++

Karl pakai lotion ape?

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Monday, February 29, 2016 0 comments
Mcm yg de aku cote bfore ni, time lahir Karl mmg de sensitive skin sket. Doc kate sket je r sbb xde r kronik sgt merah die. So doc n nurse suggest pkai Sebamed sbb mmg sesuai utk sensitive skin. Actually masa preggy lg da beli brand JJ sbb bese r baby2 pkai brand pe lg yg common kn. at last JJ tu mommy yg pakai haha

1st day balek umh Mr Reza terus nk g menshopping kt Guardian. Risau gk aku reti ke x org laki g shopping brg ank ni hehe aku siap google bg kt die takot die salah beli hehe

Tp Alhamdulillah tu awal2 je. Smpai skang kalo kirim die beli brg ank mmg die da terer. Diapers, susu, lotion ke botol susu ke mmg die da hebat hehe

So dr awal mmg Karl pkai Baby Bath, Lotion n Nappy Cream Sebamed ni. N kulit merah2 die mmg under control. Sebamed ni mmg problem die size nye cenonet je. Tp utk baby ok r kan berbulan gk br abes hehe

Tp seb bek r so far Karl x pnh kne nappy rashes. Risau gk kn sbb kulit baby ni kn macam2. Ngeri baca mommy blogger share ank die nanges2 kena nappy rashes. Gk nye drypers seswai utk Karl kot hehe

Tp aku perasan aritu kt area siku n lutut Karl mcm de kering2 nk jd gatal tu. Alamakkkk aku jg pon stil nk tumbuh gatal gk. so 1 day aku g Wellness Aeon aku nmpk cream ni. Bahase die mmg France abes. Seb bek mmg lahir kt France so paham gk haha x r die de english gk cume kecik

So die state kt situ lotion ni very delicate n suitable gor baby sensitive skin. Yg lg best die organic based. Harge die lg mahal dr Sebamed. Size cenonet ni dekat RM40. Xpe r aku try je dulu.

Yg aku suke bau die mmg best. Xwangi tp bau die sedap. Cane ntah nk describe. So skang tuka pkai lotion ni. Paling gigih dapu kt area siku n lutut. Tp skang mmg da xde kering2 tu. kt badan pon bersih je. Horayyyyy mommy is happyyyyy hehe

Tp range product die ni xbyk pon. Ada lotion n nappy cream je huhu kalo de baby bath die pon bagus. Mst aku beli utk Karl hehe

++ enjoy lil things in life ++

Americaras Express

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Monday, February 29, 2016 10 comments

Korang pernah dgr Americaras Express? Aku xpnh n this is the very 1st time dgr n de seller delivered parcel gune this courier service. Sbnrnye at 1st die kate nk pkai Skynet so aku rase mcm ok jemr walaupon kengkadang Skynet ni mcm ikot mood die gk nk deliver brg.

Then on Saturday morning die kate unable to send parcel using Skynet so she used UPS. Ok da nmpk consignment note nye ni bukan UPS tp Americaras blabla mcm Americano nme die hehe

Aku try nk trace tracking number tu kt online service die 'wahhhh error manjang' error ke x update ntah aku pon xtaw. So de die letak number utk contact tu. rupe nye HQ die kt Muar je huhu

So disebabkan number tu je die provide kt web die so i just called that number. Then 1 aunty ni answered die ty parcel dr mane ke mane? Aku kate r 'batu pahat ke pontian' dekat je kn sbnrnye. So aunty kate 'kalo dr Batu Pahat call Batu Pahat la' wahhhhh aku mcm menyinga terus. Ko da r dgn x boleh nk ckp elok2, angkt pon ckp mcm malas pastu ko sound aku kn. mmg silap r terus aku jd singa garang 'da number ni je yg de dlm u py website ni!!!' Pastu terus die terdiam sbb kne marah ngn customer kn. die ingt sume customer boleh berlembut ati dgn ngn courier servis lembab kot.

Pastu die kate 'xpe i bg u number Batu Pahat py' terus aku jwb 'xpe i carik sndiri' terus letak smbil aunty tu blom abes ckp haha nmpk rude aku kt situ kn. tp sape yg rude ngn sape dulu huhu

Pastu called number branch Batu Pahat yg de dlm consignment note plak. Die kate kalo nk trace parcel bukan no ni plak. Ehhh ko ingt ni game pe men pass2 baton ni. Die bg no len utk call.

Ok fine!!! Aku called no yg die bg tu br r dpt a gud n polite answerer. Then die mntk tracking number then die kate parcel skang kt Skudai. Pastu aku ty kalo arini kt Skudai bile nk smpai Pontian sbb as far as i knew Pontian xde branch utk courier service ni. Pastu die jawab delivery 2x seminggu je. What the!!!! Aku marah la. Aku kate kalo cmtu lmbt r sy dpt brg ni. Bukan jao pon BP-Pontian je. Die kate Insyaallah kalo de rezeki dpt awal. 

Hadoiiii laaaa this is not about rezeki tp sbb aku nk brg tu la. Pe gune pkai courier service yg berbayo kalo xboleh anto cepat huhu

Thinking about using burung merpati instead of this super fishy courier service huhu BP-Pontian je xde hal r burung nk anta haha

Please la seller jgn r gune courier service yg xtaw nama ni. Wat saket ati je. I have two parcels postage the same day as this seller tp pg ni da dapat. Sbb seller ni n another one is Zalora, both are using GDex. Never disappointed GDex ni so far huhu

++ enjoy lil things in life ++

Friday, February 26, 2016

Confius Tapi Stil Genius

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Friday, February 26, 2016 0 comments

Byk gilr org share pasal soklan ala2 sel otak berhubung ni. Memula aku mls nk amek port sbb aku mmg mls nk pikir, tp at last aku jd very interested nk try.

Nmpk je kacang mcm buah epal campur pisang jd smoothie yg enak kn. tp its not as east as that. Aku py pikir conplicated sgt smpai snggop amek pen n buku wat kira2 tahap Einstein konon nye. Ehhhh engineer py minded mmg cmtu taw. Suke kire2 yg complicated n challenging haha

Haaaaa ko xrase ke ni pengiraan tahap Einstein haha tp bile aku kaji balek 'hahahaha sengal nye len g Jusco gune jalan raya,aku g nek sampan pastu check in flight tu da kenape' hahaha

Haaaa ni je jln keje nye. (Dlm petak) 1 row je n aku confident 120% mmg btol haha

Cer korang try. Kalo dpt sama mcm aku mmg level genius kite same hahahha

++ enjoy lil things in life ++

Duplicate Karl

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Friday, February 26, 2016 0 comments

Smlm kt grup wa Geng Botam tetibe kawan aku bg statement name ank Datin Paduka Eina Azman sama ngn Karl. Wahhhhh contagious gile name Karl haha
Ke Datin ni stalk ig n blog aku pastu tiru nake Karl ek haha

Datin tu dpt ank kembar. 1 is boy n another 1 is girl. Wahhhh nice couple of twins is it hehe So yg boy tu name die Karl Kareef n yg girl tu name die Arianna Aubrey hehe Nice names especially yg part Karl tu hehe

Tunjuk kt Mr Reza die plak sbok nk bg ank name Kareef. Ehhh ni sape yg stalk sape ni haha

++ enjoy lil things in life ++

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Karl Minum Susu Ape?

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Wednesday, February 24, 2016 2 comments
Soklan yg sll org ty. 1st mesti ty breastfeed lg ke? Pastu ty susu pe die minum? Sbb pe taw, sbb Karl ni kategori semangat budak nye hehe mane x nye mommy bg susu yg terbaik utk ank mommy hehe susu die saje RM500 sebulan huhu

Masa memule dilahirkan (skema nye ayt) kt Perdana Specialist tu, kulit Karl mmg da nmpk merah2. Memule ingt kn kulit baby mmg cmtu sbb baru exposed kt udara kn. Tp doc kate kulit Karl sensitif sket. So die suggest utk bg Karl minum susu selaen susu lembu utk elak kan kulit die btambah teruk. Ishhh aku ngeri sbb tgk byk kes kawan2 aku yg ank die alergik n eczema tahap teruk sbb tu aku berazam nk kontrol supaya skin sensitive Karl is stil under control. Even skin care 1 set aku pkai Sebamed. Suitable for baby sensitive skin hehe

Xnmpk plak nk tnjuk muke die merah2 tu huhu da zoom pon xnmpk gk. yg obvious sgt kt kelopak mate die hehe

Masa awal2 kt ward mmg nurse yg layan die. So nurse bg ready to feed milk je sbb breastmilk xde produce lg huhu Time balek tu die bekal kn sample Anmum yg dlm kotak tu. aku just smpat gune bape kali je sbb aku bg die breastmilk memule. Gigih pump sbb Karl xnk direct feed. Xpe r nakkk mommy berkorban hehe

Tp Karl mcm x knyng bile breastfeed nk kne support gk ngn fm so on the day boleh balek umh ptg tu gk Mr Reza terus kua g carik susu Isomil. Sbb susu ni soya based seswai utk baby yg alergic n kulit sensitif. Tp aku perasan mmg kulit Karl molek je licin especially kt pipi die bile minum susu Isomil ni. Sempat gk abes kn 1 tin kecik (percubaan konon) n 1 tin besau. Then perasan time nk poopoo Karl mst mcm org kne dera. Menanges2 pastu poopoo die keras huhu xboleh jd. Kne carik other solution huhu

Then try blogwalking ramai mommies yg share pasal susu Karihome ni. So aku pon discuss ngn Mr Reza. Cume problem nye Karihome ni size kecik ke yg de utk step 1 n step 2. Size 400g je. Harga kt kedai baby paling murah yg aku jmp RM50.10 sama harga dgn kt Mydin hehe susah plak tu nk carik susu ni. Kt tmpt len xde. Cume de kt kedai baby n Mydin je huhu

Tp so far mmg ok je Karl minum Karihome ni. Kulit die xde merah2 lg. cume de kering2 sket tp tu aku tepek lotion utk sensitive skin je hehe

Poopoo Karl pon so far ok je xde menjerit2 meneran2 hehe sebab Karl da x bf so kne fully fm sebulan tu de r 7-8 tin gk huhu Xpe r mak kate keje kn mmg utk ank hehe

Ni tin2 yg ready nk disposed. Da abes da hehe 

Tp naseb baek gk Karl nk minum susu Karihome ni sbb de certain baby mmg xnk. Sbb kalo compare ngn susu lembu, Karihome ni tawar je x semanis n selemak susu lembu hehe aku rajen gk memblogwalking n ramai gk mommies yg kate baby diorg xnk minum Karihome especially to those yg da pnh minum susu lembu hehe ank buah aku si Hanna pon da pernah try Karihome die mcm xde selera nk minum. N same with my friend's son. Siap r die bg free je 1 tin yg ank die x terminum tu kt Karl. Die kate dr membazir x minum baek bg kt Karl. Alaaa syuwit nyeee. Aku ni org bg brg amek je. Syukur kn hehe

So next week da boleh tu Karihome step 2 plak sbb Karl da 6 bulan. Ehhh mommy kne jd super rajen r sbb nk kn prepare solid food utk Karl haha Semalam da order Avent steamer n blender yg 2 in 1 haha semoga mommy rajen sbb de banda yg super canggih ni hehe

++ enjoy lil things in life ++

Si Gigi Wabbit

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Wednesday, February 24, 2016 0 comments

Nmpk kn gigi wabbit Karl ni. Ehhh mcm cepat plak die kuar. Last week masa 1st time perasan tu nmpk jendol gigi nk kua je. Tetibe this week da nmpk tjojol gigi jye hehe

Ramai yg kate Karl cepat tumbuh gigi. Tapi aku study pertumbuhan gigi baby mmg seawal 5-6 bulan starting with two tooth at lower jaw. Haaaaaa da btol r tu. tapi de lg baby yg lebih pantas lagir2 da de gigi taw. Tp rare case la. Rare case bukan bmaksud pelik ye hehe

MIL kate Karl cepat tumbuh gigi sbb die minum susu kambing. Ehhh start next week Karl da upgrade to Karihome Step 2 hehe nnt r wat review pasal susu yg Karl minum hehe

Last week balek umah MIL nk balek tu SIL selit duet RM100 dlm poket Karl. I was like 'duet pe ni. Byak nawnaw' MIL kate duet upah sbb tumbuh gigi. Ehhh gitu plak haha

Tp Mr Reza kate mmg family die masih amalkan lg bg upah utk 1st gigi yg tumbuh. Laaa yeker. Xpnh dgr hehe pape pon Alhamdulillah rezeki hehe

Habit Karl skang asek mengunyah bahu org je bile dukung. Sbb gusi gatal kot hehe

++ enjoy lil things in life ++

Friday, February 19, 2016

Puding Santan Gula Merah Sedap Time Sejuk

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Friday, February 19, 2016 0 comments
Tajok program masak2 arini mmg telus. Sbb nye puding ni mmg sedap makan time sejuk je. Time da xsejuk rase kurang seronok hehe

Time CNY yg aku ct lama tu byk r list nk wat itu ini konon nye. So this is one of the list. Sbb cuaca tgh panas2 sedap mln sejuk2. Memule ingt nk wat perise pandan yg ijau tu je tp tetibe nmpk de gula merah berketul2 so aku pon tuko sket resepi. Byk2 resepi aku pilih resepi yg ni sbb senang nk sukat haha

Haha copy paste je so xde r menyeleweng sgt. Tp aku nk ubh sket qty santan tu. sbb kalo ikot resepi ni layer santan nye sgt tebal so xbape cntek hehe

Ni gula melaka yg ketul aku rebus jd cair hehe

Ni santan n telur yg aku whisk bg buih2 sket. Kalo xde whisk pkai je garpu hehe

Ni air campur serbuk agar2. Letak pnadan kasi wangi hehe

Ni campuran segala bnde yg kt atas tu. kaco lame sket smpai btol2 mendidih n bketul2

Da siap tuang dlm bekas pastu masuk kn  dlm fridge bg die sejuk hehe

Tadaaaaaa da jadikkkk hehe

Ni la yg aku mksud kn tu. layer santan n yg xde santan x 50:50. So kne kurang kn qty santan tu. ok next time boleh improve hehe

++ enjoy lil things in life ++

New Year Is Coming!!!!!

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Friday, February 19, 2016 0 comments

Goodbye 2015 n welcome 2016. There's sooo much memories in 2015 that I cant capture in my mind. 365 days n memories happened everyday. My brain cells cant even remember every single memories. U brought soo much things in my life. Happiness & sadness. Let the sadness be the teacher of life. But the happiness will be remains forever in my heart.

The day that I found myself preggy. Bunting pelamin u olls hehe sape x gembira dgn rezeki itu kn hehe

Feb 2015 - family holiday & jalan2 carik makan le Penang n Loq Staq. CNY py holiday,penat harung jem hoiiii. Pasni CNY mmg dok umh tgk pearl screen kt tv je haha

May 2015 - our family vacation to KK Sabah as requested by who-else our abah hehe I was 5 months preggy at that time but my tummy still not visisble kan hehe

August 2015 - my new-born baby defined as a miracle baby since he was born on Malaysia's Indie Day. N even the doc said that this baby is a miracle baby since he ran a very crucial moments during delivery time but was safely delivered by his small petite mommy hehe welcome to the world my son, Karl Muhammad Khaizan

Dec 2015 - our 1st physical holiday together to Janda Baik & Bukit Tinggi Pahang. Hope there will be more opportunities to travel together InsyaAllah...

Welcome 2016. Hope that it will be more exciting and give more rezeki to myself & my family. Stay unite together n have a happy moments like we used to be.

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++ enjoy lil things in life ++

#karlmuhammadkhaizan da tumbuh gigi

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Friday, February 19, 2016 0 comments
Last week kn karl demam taw. Mlm tu die start merengek. Aku measure tenperature die 39.1 deg celcius. Aku da risau. Amek air suam dlm besen aku sponging die. Lame aku sponging pastu susu kan die baru la nk tdo. Bfore die tdo tu measure lg temperature da turun 38.4 deg. Lega sket. Seb bek last week aku cuti pnjng n Mr Reza pon public holiday CNY. So bergilir r jg Karl. Siang je r pasal Mr Reza kalo mlm die mcm pengsan x sedar diri haha

Sianh bfore g klinik sponging Karl lg dgn air lemon. Petua org putih gitu hehe so g klinik just de sket je demam. Bukan demam je pakel ngn seme2 skali. Da r jenis bdak ni xnk hingus die kena lap. Bukan men marah lg die hehe

After 3 ari demam n seme2 pon da ok. Cume aku perasan die kuat merengek lpas2 demam tu. Karl skang ni da pndai angkt2 bontot time tiarap. Pastu ke depan sket ke belakang sket n pusinf2. Kalo die tdo bawah kne tnggu sblh dor sbb nnt tetibe die tsedar pastu tgh2 tdo mata terpejam tu boleh tiarap. Ehhh kemaruk!!! Haha

Smlm mghrib die cranky2 nk susu aku tertengok kt gusi die. Ehhhh de 2 gigi nk tumbuh r. Da nmpk putih2 terbonjol tu. start r aku kecoh haha tp pndai plak tu bile aku tarik bibir nk tgk die kuar kn lidah so xdpt r nk tgk hehe. Ptt r abes mainan die si Pak Atan n Kwang Soo tu lencun kne gigit. Aku de belikan die teether pon memula dulu mmg xhingin pon, skang bnd tu yg die carik hehe Rupe nye gusi gatal. Sll gk aku ckp 'gusi die gatal ni sbb die xnk susu die nk gigit putinh botol je' rupe nye btol instinct aku hehe

Mak kate karl cepat tumbuh gigi. Sll bdak normal dlm 7 bulan hehe pasni mommy kne standby puting botol byk2 sbb nnt awak da de gigi abes putus puting kne gigit hehe

 Xbape nmpk tp de r nmpk mcm pelik kt gusi bawah die tu hehe patot r skang suke cemih2 kn gusi. Nk menunjuk rupe nye hehe

++ enjoy lil things in life ++

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Friday, February 19, 2016 0 comments


Ada yg berusaha utk dpt kn ank,tp kalo da tertulis blom sampai rezeki nye,maka blom r de rezeki nk punyai ank. Begitu lah sebalik nye.

Yakinlah pd rezeki. Insyaallah Tuhan da tentukan rezeki itu ada..

++ enjoy lil things in life ++

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Jeruk Epal Hijau Asam Boi Cili Asam Serbuk Garam Gula Lemon

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Wednesday, February 10, 2016 0 comments
Haha tajuk entry nk pnjng abes muke surat. Ye r nk boh asam boi je yg len2 kecik ati plak mcm xde sumbangan. Bile wat tajok entry cmni at the same time org terus taw resepi nye haha

Aku ni ct CNY mmg pnjng sbb babysitter g Langkawi. So aku kne amek leaves utk babysits ank sndiri huhu so ank tdo aku baring2 dpn tv scroll fb nmpk plak prg share jeruk mangga yg sgt trend dulu tu. haishhh mak yong xboleh tgk mknn masam2 ni. Tbayang plak buah kt jusco yg boh asam belacan tu. homaiiii sedap nyeeee

Pastu terus ke jusco. Ehhh salah terus ke dapur. Dlm fridge de green apple. Ehhh boleh je labu. Seb bel dragonfruit xboleh wat kalo x da wat da memandang kn de dragon fruit dlm gridge tu hehe

Bahan2 die mudah je...

1. Green apples
2. Asam boi puteh yg masam kecut
3. Asam serbuk
4. Cili padi merah pedas
5. Lemon jus
7. Garam
8. Gula

Sukatan agak2 je laaa. Ptt nye gune jus limau je tp aku mls nk geledah fridge kt bawah2 so aku gune lemon je sbb lemon de tp sinki hehe

Tadaaaaa hasil nye. Smpn dulu dlm fridge. Kang mlm tnggu sejuk smbil tgk Cinta Si Wedding Planner boleh mkn daaaa

++ enjoy lil things in life ++

Friday, February 5, 2016

1st Check-Up at PSMC

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Friday, February 05, 2016 0 comments
Yayyyyy da 9 weeks!!!! Hehe da 9 weeks br nk g check up hehe as i expected Doc Isa membebel kuat kt aku. Die tu mmg suke membebel taw haha

Berat kena jaga la, pastu die kate 'kn sy soh amek injection lepas 40 ari' haha sorry doc lame sgt pikir smpai da teraccident hehe

Baby kalo ni nmpk clear sgt time scan. Maybe sbb aku py womb pon masih kembang lg so die de byk ruang nk beriang ria dlm tu hehe

Sam as my previous pregnancy, doc supply kn calcium n vit pregnant. Vit pregnant ni yg de folic acid sume tu hehe

Bil kalo ni rm75. Boleh claim. Hora horayyy haha

So aku rase pregnant kalo ni kena jg makan r. Sbb time bersalin kn Karl dulu consider complicated gk sbb Karl agk besar utk size aku yg kecik ni. Almost kena ceaser huhu so aku kena diet!!!!

Budak Karl ni da 5 months. Cepar nooo la nakkkk. Jap lg nk jd abg da hehehe

Lg sekali nk mntak sume doakan yg baik2 je. Aku taw ank aku rapat tp kgn r ckp2 blkng n ckp x elok. Allah bg aku rezeki nape korang nk dengki huhu pls la people...

Next month kite jmp lg ye nakkkk

++ enjoy lil things in life ++


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