Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Good Start To A Better Life

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Its a beginning of a never-ending story i hope. Insyaallah..
I've been through all those 'fails' in relationships..
Even there's an unwanted tiny feelings due to all the failures..  
I hope this is the one that You grant to me to be part of my life..
We planned the best but only You knows whats better because You are the greatest planner of all..

Dear Allah,
Please make everything easier and smoother for us..
Success and bright for our future..
Unite us with blessings and happiness..
Bless us with love and faith..
And keep us together always..

Dear Mr Reza,
I try my best to be the best person in your life,
And i always will,
Thank you for showering me with your loves and happiness,
Giving me the best attentions and care I ever had,
My promise is that I will always love you long as I can,
And make yourself happy as what U deserve to be,
Please guide me along our journey and advise me when I'm wrong,

Some things are beyond planning. Life doesn’t always turn out as planned.You don’t plan for a broken heart.You don’t plan for an autistic child.You don’t plan to be single forever.We cannot choose what Allah wishes us to carry, but we can carry it with courage knowing that He will never abandon us nor send something we cannot cope with.Make plans, but understand that we live only by Allah’s grace, His Fadhal(favour) and His Rahma (mercy)..

Nota Kaki : Sorry kawan2, aku da xde Skout n Wechat hehe Xpe r perubahan untuk kebaikan. I accept it with open heart. Kalo berubah utk kebailan, pe salah nye kn. Alhamdulillah =)

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++ enjoy lil things in life ++



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