Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Countdown Overrrrrr

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Da kalo nama nye Mak Jemah, mmg asek2 coutdown overrr kan. Mak Jemah mmg over hehe So this time ready la utk entry2 yg mbosan kn selagi x smpai ke destination as planned. Mmg bikin org meluat ni hehe

Sooo lebih kurang sebulan lg utk next trip. This time trip ngn family plak. Da asek berkali2 trip ngn geng saje kan, family pon harus la didahulu kan *mcm ayt nk bkempen kn*

Da lame gk kot aku x join trip ngn family sbb aku ni de kekangan bab cuti masa kt company lama. So skang aku kesah pe pasal cuti ke hape, sume benda da book x release cuti pon aku cuti gk heeeee

This time our destination is Jakarta n Bandung. Tapi kalo ikot itinery tu, most of the times kt Bandung je. Jakarta jadi tempat transit flight je. 1st time nak rasa nek flight len selaen Air Asia. Tambang murah kate hehe kali ni dapat rasa nek JETSTAR sbb kalo ikot kan, die pon tambang murah gk, tapi Australian flight la. After comparing other flights, we choose to travel by bus eh Jetstar. Tapi departure from Changi Airport, Singapore.

Time kitorang book ni, xde flight direct ke Jakarta dari Senai Airport, so bila kira2 nk nek dr LCCT n Changi, lebih jimat nek dari Changi. Just kena beramai2 g Changi dulu la kan hehe Alaaa lg pon Singapore n Johor ape la sgt jaoh nye kan. Just kena cross Selat Tebrau je la kannnnn. Lautan api pon sanggop kurenangi lg kn Selat Tebrau. Ok  da melalut sgt niiii

So kalo tgk list itenary tu, mcm ramai kn. Mmg ramai pon kitorang g 10 org. Sume ahli kuarga la. Main reason g Bandung sbb nk shopping. Opkossss la kan.. Tapi more tu nak carik barang kawen adek aku. YEEEEEEE adek aku nk kawen. De masalah kt situ?? Ok kalo xde dok diam2 hehehehe Total tiket utk 10 org tu tmasuk insurans n service fee ialah SGD 1330. Kire utk sorang fare ialah SGD 133 @ RM330 laa lebih kurang hehe Murah gk kan. Ni bukan harga promo pon. Harga standard. Boleh kalah harga Air Asia kan hehe

This is the very first time we go to Indonesia even kitorang ni sbnr nye berdarah kepaulauan sana gk hehe So hope everything will be fine. Will be good. Will run smooth as plan. Aminnnnnnnnn

Bandung Welcomeeeeee!!!!!!! Wait for us tawwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Instead of wondering where your next vacation is, maybe you ought to set up a life you don't need to escape from.
Seth Godin
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++ enjoy lil things in life ++



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