Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Sweet nye Zaman Kanak2 Aku

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I saw this pic in a fb status today. Yesssss it was my childhood time. Generation Y kids. Life without gadjet. Our childhood times were spending by a very traditional games, like main pondok2, main tingting, batu seremban,sorok2. Tp skang nk nmpk budak2 bsepah2 main sama2 kt padang mcm dulu,mmg totally nonsense. Even kt kg *as I still have my family's home at kg* bdak2 pon da xnmpk. Mane g budak2 ni? Owhhh men game kt umah because nowadays most of the kids have their own gadjet.

Life is getting worse. Bdak2 da jd anti social. Bagus sgt zaman aku kecik dulu xde gadjet. Xde la parents bsusah payah nk belikan ank2 die gadjet kn. sbb zaman dulu pon kehidupan xde r senang lenang sgt. Xmcm kehidupan bdak2 gen Z skang ni huhu

Telefon yg de zaman dulu pon public phones yg masuk coins tu. kalo nk best sket kt umh de telefon. Ehhh tp smpai skang umh aku stil pkai home phone taw hehe mmg oldschool hehe nak contact kawan2 ty homework pon pkai phone umah. Kalo yg xde phone umah tu snggop r dtg umh kawan sbb nk ty hehe

Dulu2 kalo tgh leka2 main ngn kawan2, tetibe teringat kt tv de katun feveret,sanggop lari balek umah dulu tgk katun. Kalo umah jao sket,tumpang je la umh kawan. Cite yg best time tu gaban,doremon,power rangers hehe skang kalo bdak2 nmpk cite2 tu,mst digelak kan sbb nmpk karut haha

Skang bdak2 nk tgk katun tgk kt you tube je. Lame2 tv pon pupus haha

I was soooo totally grateful that I am a gen Y kids. Sbb there's a lot of sweet memories during my childhood. Kalo aku gen Z py bdak,aku xrase childhood aku will be as adventure as I was supposwd to be. Nmpk bdak pmpn skang pnjat pokok? X kan. Tapi aku panjat pokok hehe i was a happy-lucky kid.

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Owhhhhh how i missssssss my childhood times. 

++ enjoy lil things in life ++



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