Aku ni kn mmg kaki tgn shopping online. So skang aku byk shopping thru ig or carousell. Aku pnh cite pasal carousell dulu. Apps yg senang n byk sgt barang jual. Dr new items smpai la ke preloved items hehe
So smlm aku rase nk beli brg kt carousell tu. Time aku ty kt seller tu pon da agk ptg. Tu pon seb bek aku mcm lapang sket. Tgh tnggu discussions utk update yg aku wat tu hehe
So aku pon chat r ngn seller tu. Mmg dlm bape minit je urusan kitorg. Aku ty available x,pastu die bg no acct n aku segera transfer sbb da time nk balek da time tu.
So dr process bertanya smpai ke process transfer payment tu mmg sgt cepat r. Sbb aku pon mls nk leceh2. Da ptg kn lgpon hrge die da mmg murah dr market price. Xperlu r aku nego lg hehe
Aku xsngka plak seller ni de left positive feedback pasal aku as a buyer. Ni bukan 1st time pon aku beli ngn carousell. Tp bese nye aku je yg left positive feedback to seller. Seller x pnh plak wat cmtu hehe
"Fuss free buyer and prompt payment made. Thank you for purchasing"
Bangga sehhh aku org puji aku haha nnt bile brh smpai br aku leave feedback semule kt die sbb parcel die kate post on Monday. Nape r x Saturday. Sbb de lg 1 seller tu die post brg arini hehe
Ok.. If u want to be happy,just make other peoples happy.. That's it!!!
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