Sunday, January 11, 2015

New Year Gift

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Sunday, January 11, 2015

Ni New Year gift dr company aku keje skang. Ni la yg best nye sbb management never fails to give us any gift suring festival times. Mcm last time masa Chrismass dapat 1 box of travel kit which are luggage tag,ear plug,nect support n towel. Gamba xde sbb time tu mcm pemalas tahap gaban. Gaban pon x malas cmtu oiiii

Time raya n deepavali pon dpt gift. Raya tu opkoa la dpt kueh raya. Deepavali best sbb dapat shawl pashmina hehe

So ini kalo gift for new year plak. Dapat organizer book. Yg ni aku suke sgt sbb sgt bgune kan hehe

Kaler oren pon xpe la,da mmg xde option len hehe

Ayt ni paling best. Rase dihargai gitu hehe

Tq UEMS for the gift and all the gifts hehe

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++ enjoy lil things in life ++



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