Thursday, January 29, 2015

Meow Yang Kepoh

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Thursday, January 29, 2015 0 comments

Tgk la ni meow yg kepoh. Name die katy perry tp name pendek perry. Die jenis kuceng mix main coon kaler orange.

Sbb ape die kepoh. Die boleh panjat grill umah yg da de jaring tu sbb die nk tgk jiran sebelah rumah angkat brg nk pindah nek lori. Kepoh mengalah kn tuan nye hehe tuan die pon x perasan yg die da kua dr grill tetibe je dgr2 de bnyik cakar2 mntk masuk. Seb bek perry yg mencakar bukan saka hehe

Perry yg comel baru lepas inject. Sbb de bacteria dlm telinga pastu kena makan ubat cacing. Sll die kne pkai plastic collar. Pkai plastic collar pon comel. Mcm angkasawan versi kuceng hehe

Perry de gmba passport. Sbb die kn nk melancong g bulan,jd kena lah wat passport hehe

Hehe ni cite one of my meow kt unah. De sekor lg yg beso n itam. Next time baru cite hehe dua ekor ni la jd kawan aku time kne tinggal ngn Mr Reza g keje hehe

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Appointment..Perdana Specialist Maternity Centre

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Thursday, January 29, 2015 0 comments
Refer to entry ni, lpas ceq ngn Klinik Mediveron, aku da set date utk g Perdana Specialist Maternity Centre (PSMC) kat Taman U. First time dtg xyah appoinment pon. Serbu je. Tapi time aku dtg tu ramai amat ko. Mmg lebih sejam tnggu turn.

Muke Mr Reza tu mst nk boring je kalo hambek gambo taw huhu

Nape aku pilih PSMC ni? Sbb nye Doc Isa yg dekat PSMC ni satu kg ngn aku. Umah family die dekat je ngn umah parents aku. So mak aku yg beriye sgt soh aku bersalin kt sane kalo pregnent. Alhamdulillah setakat ni dapat tunaikan hasrat mak hehe

Bila sampai turn aku, da dekat kol12 time tu. Klinik tutup kol 12.30 utk lunch break. So maybe time tu Doc pon da penat kot, tapi org stil ramai lg kt lua. So bile turn aku tu Doc tu mcm ala2 emo sket. Da la aku ni mummy yg tgh emo, dpt Doc pon emo, terus emosi rase mcm xnk g sane lg T_T

So Doc wat scan n da nmpk da kantung tu, since aku pregnent pon baru lg kn. So utk check-up kali ni aku baru 6 minggu. So Doc kate lg 2 minggu dtg lg utk ceq heartbeat sbb sll nye kalo 8 weeks da boleh dgr heartbeat hehe

My tiny baby boo. Ehhh inai merah lg. Bunting pelamin kan hehe
Buku appoinment
Nasihat doc kne jg makan sbb 1 bulan boleh increase 1/2 kg je. Owh ngeriiiii sbb aku mmg makan selera x mcm org len yg tgh mabuk x boleh makan tu huhu

PSMC de bagi sample susu utk pregnent mommy. Die bagi Anmum mango flavour ngn Enfamama chocolate n vanila flavour. Tgk which one yg boleh minum. Tapi setakat ni aku boleh nak minum susu lg. Tgk la nnt tapi review aku bg nnt. Bile tu xtaw r hehe

Supplement plak die bagi Acid Folic ngn multivitamin utk pregnent mommy. 

So next check up is in two weeks time huhu

Semoga baby mbesar dgn sihat n sempurna. Aminnnnn

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Petua Kurang kan Masalah Jerawat

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Wednesday, January 28, 2015 1 comments
Aku ni kan mmg x abes2 masalah jerawat taw. Dari mude remaja *la sgt* smpai da kertu mmg jerawat saje. Tp bile aku de amek supplement n pkai product yg mesra ngn kulit aku ni,problem solve a bit. Xde r merah2 sgt. Kalo tumbuh pon kecik n seketui2 ja.

Pasal aku makan vit c shaklee yg fames habaq hang ngn kordel's skin clear. Kordel's tu suggested by a pharmacist tp mmg mabeles la. Mmg good combination n effect excellently kt kulit i ni. Pastu ngn pkai set Mary Kay plak kn,mmg nmpk beza r kulit aku ni. Aku da pnh share da pasal ni dulu hehe Sbb aku da paham yg kulit aku ni not only have to treat outsidely,but insidely as well. Sbb hasil pemerhatian aku ni,masalah aku sbb hormon aku.

Tapi bile lepas kawen n preggy ni,muke aku teruk koooo. Ngeri smpai tahap aku malas nk pikir sbb jerawat la ni besaq dia mcm subhanallah aku xpnh plak kne cmni hehe pastu sepah2 sane cni,dahi,dagu,pipi. Amek ko mmg pakej. Sbb hasil bacaan aku,mmg sll de acne problem time preggy ni pasal hormon preggy mommy ni tgh x normal. So tu salah satu penyebab nye la,lg2 dpt kt kulit yg sensitip mcm aku ni kn. redha je laaaa

Ehhh pnjng nye cite. Aku nk cite pasal petua je haha

So 1day one of the precious jerawat tu pecah masa kt opis. So darah pon mencurah2 ke ladang gandum. Pastu nk tepek ngn tisu pkai tgn kn mcm leceh dgn nk wat keje lg kn. so aku wat new invention,koyak tisu kecik,letak soletape pastu tampal je kt pipi. Problem solve kn. jimat kn gune je pe yg de kt opis hehe pastu aku ngn confident ke sane cni dlm opis sume org tegur,then sorang opismate yg concern tu bg tips. Die kate ko time kawen aritu kulit ok je. Skang je byk jerawat. So die pon bg tips ni.

Garam cmpur kunyit powder campur tepung beras cmpur air sket. Wat ala2 likat pastu tepek kt jerawat. Tapi sbb aku xde tepung beras,aku gune tepung gandum. Tepung tu untuk kasi lekat je hehe

Pesanan die wat time ko leisure tgh tgk tv sbb mengenyam rase die

So aku pon try wat smbil2 tgk Miss Pajuya dlm Kami Histeria hehe

Mmg mengenyam ko. Tu yg aku suke sbb jerawat kn ala2 saket kn. baru puas ati aku

Tgk!!! Betapa byk nye jerawat smpai aku rase mcm patut sapu seluruh muke je hehe

So sape2 nk rase mngenyam nye jerawat tu boleh try ni hehe besttttt

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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Im-Not-Feeling-Well Day

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Wednesday, January 21, 2015 2 comments

Owh please.. This not just a drama,but this is super reality. This whole weekdays, i really cannot commit to my work. Im sick. Totally sick..

Headache.. Nausea.. Back pain.. Cold..

Please.. I need more rest.. I need more medical leaves..

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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Happy Sundayyy

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Saturday, January 17, 2015 0 comments

Happy Sunday everyone..
Have a blessed one!!

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Friday, January 16, 2015

Hari Yang Hebat!!

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Friday, January 16, 2015 0 comments

Yayyyyy arini hari yg hebat sbb dlm 1/2 ari aku boleh deliver sume tasks yg boss bagi kt aku. Tghari da siap email sume. Horayyyyyyy

Mane x hebat nye,breakfast nasik lomak pon kt workstation sndiri. Kiri nasik kanan laptop. Mmg hebat. Boss!! Nk nek gaji hehe

So lunch time ni da boleh bsenang lenang g jusco haha

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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Alhamdulillah.. Rezeki Allah

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Wednesday, January 14, 2015 1 comments
Sebenarnye xtaw cane nk start entry ni. Sbb it is such a happy news for both of us as a husband-wife. Alaaa bile wat ayt gitu mesti da boleh agk kn. Alhamdulillah Allah bagi rezeki kt kami. Insyaallah kami akn jaga smpai bila2 n semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan sepanjang this tiny pearl is in my womb.

So benda ni was confirmed after 1 week aku missed my December period. Actually last period aku on the 29th November. Aku mmg sgt alert ng period aku. Even aku de install apps utk period tracker as in HERE. So basically period aku mmg regular n x pnh miss. Setakat lewat 2 ari tu bese la kan. Da darah tu degil membeku tanpa kata xnk turun kan hehe

So after i missed my period for 1 week, opismate aku da bising2 soh wat UPT. Aku xde rase teruja sgt nk test sbb Mr Reza kate tnggu sampai 2 minggu. Tapi bile pikir2 kne ckeck gk so if negative its ok, but if positive should take any necessary action kan huhu

Tapi way bfore aku missed period tu actually aku da de instict yg there is a live form in my womb. Sbb naluri keibuan ke pe tu? hehe x gk kot tp de simptom2 yg luar biasa yg aku alami. N aku kn mmg kaki google n blogwalking, so harus lah aku collect info dr situ kn hehe So aku list kn antara tanda2 yg aku alami sebelum aku taw yg aku pregnant

1. Kerap kencing
Aku start rase ni time kt Bali honeymoon aritu. Owh yeeee entry Honeymoon mmg aku utang lg hehe xpe tu nnt aku PASTI wat hehe 2nd day kt Bali time otw dari Kintamani ke Tanah Lot, aku rase nk tkencing. Mula2 aku ingt bese je sbb pjalanan tu jao so aku mcm desperate nk kencing. Tapi after kencing tu de rase nk kencing lg. Mcm kencing x abes n x puas. Sampai arini aku wat entry ni, aku masih lg rase cmtu, tp da kurang la. Xteruk sgt mcm awal2 tu. Tapi dalam fikiran aku mcm 'kencing xlawas kot ni' hehe

2. Cepat penat n mengantuk
Yg ni mmg paling obvious. Masa mula2 kawen tu mmg rajen amat lah bgn awal, prepare breakfast utk sndiri *sbb Mr Reza x breakfast kt umah. untung nye daku. yahooooo* pastu siap wat bekal bawak g opis lg. Tapi skang ni breakfast pon aku mkn roti bako je. Bekal mmg da x bawak r. Da kate mls kn hehe Pastu ngnatuk tu jgn kate la. Pantang de waktu rase mcm nk lelap je. Paling melampau time driving, boleh nk ttido. Gile kn tu. De yg masuk bawah lori kang hehe

3. Sakit pinggang
Saket pinggang ni mule2 ingt sbb nk period. Sbb PMS sll nye pon saket pinggang. Tapi yg ni saket die lebih lg, pastu kerap n lame sgt saket nye. Aku da eplin da. Kdg2 rase mcm nk tampal koyok je. Tapi koyok pon aku xreti gune haha

4. Perut cramp mcm nk period
Part ni yg mcm confius ni. Mcm nk period tapi x period. Tnggu2 x muncul pon. Tapi yg magic nye tu bile da taw pregnent tu, perut cramp mcm nk period tu pon ilang haha Mcm2 la ko perut hehe

5. Breast bengkak
Yang ni pon mcm simptom2 nk period gk. Tapi yg aku pelik nye sll 2 minggu sebelom period baru rase saket tu. Tapi kali ni lg awal die dtg pastu saket je manjang. Sampai skang saket lg. Pastu breast mcm bengkak. Bra pon da mcm ketat haha Syg!!! Nk la senza baru hehe

6. Badan panas time tido
Memule tu aku ingt aku nk demam, tapi xdemam pon. Asal mlm je badan panas. Asal badan panas je malam. ehhhhh hehe Tiap2 mlm Mr Reza jd doc ceq suhu 'syg arini bdn u panas. sok mc' haha tapi mmg de skali tu aku amek mc sbb badan mmg panas n pening huhu Badan panas tu smpai skang rase lg huhu Tu yg mulut pon kne ulser n bibir kekeringan. Mungkin air diserap kot hehe

7. Pening n loya
Few days after aku balek dr honeymoon tu aku pening x hengat. Kepala mcm pusing. So aku g check up kt Klinik Mediviron kt Bukit Indah. Sbb klinik tu yg deakt n panel company aku hehe Doc ckp maybe time tu aku masih lg penat honeymoon. Pastu yg x tahan tu aku loya2. Masa nek Liom Air dr Bali ke Bandung, aku py loya tu smpai boleh termuntah dlm flight. Byk kali aku travel xpnh aku muntah dlm flight taw. Sgt memalukan!!! Time tu da nk landing, so toilet is not occupied. Pastu Lion Air xde sediakan paper bag muntah mcm AA. So aku no choice, muntah kt lantai je. Sorry guys hehe Pastu next day g Transtudio Bandung plak, nek 1st ride terus nk muntah. So kne main game yg light2 je huhu Beb, aku nek roller coaster tergantung kaki kt USS pon muke boelh slumber je taw turun, kali ni boleh plak loya nk muntah. What the hell laaaaa. Wat malu je muke adventerous aku ni hehe

So 1 day tu g Jusco, my opismate seboleh2 suruh aku beli test kit. Teringat dulu few years back aku pon de teman kan kawan beli test kit sbb die kate die lewat period. Aku plak yg beriye soh die beli test kit, even aku yg ty kn kt farmasi tu. N die bunting pelamin. Ank da 2 da die tu. Sakng i comes back to me hehe

So atas nasihat my opismate aku beli 2 test kits yg xbape mahal n diffrrent brand. X beli yg digital py sbb  mahal haha Terus whtsapp Mr Reza ckp da beli test kit hehe

Malam tu tdo mcm x bape nk lena sbb termimpi2 pasal UPT tu. Pastu tibe2 terjaga n nk terkencing. Pastu terpikir 'aku kn de 2 test kits. Test utk 2 different urine la. Tgk cane result die. Tipu ke tidak' Time tu wat 1 test. Pastu sementara nk tnggu line tu appear, aku siap g daour minum air dulu smbil tgk2 kengkuceng2 aku hehe Then masuk balek ke toilet n tgk result. Time tu mcm no impression. Sbb nmpk 2 clear lines n it was as expected. Wahhh gitu. Time tu Mr Reza tgh syok tdo. Pastu aku pon nk sambung tdo. Tgk jam 'laaa kol12 rupenye'. ok smbung tdo hehe

Then sok pagi wat test lg. Sbb as peopel already known, the 1st urine is the best. Then test lg. Alhamdulillah. Mmg 2 clear lines again. Tunjuk kt Mr Reza, die mcm 'cane nk baca tu' ok lupe die bkn kaki google hehe

Then ptg tu g Mediviron lg n wat urine test lagik. Walaupon doc tu bukan la gynea, tapi die sgt bagus dlm bg consultation, Especially biel die taw 1st prenancy n bunting pelamin. Die py congratulations tu xterkira da bape byk. Thanx doc hehe

Alhamdulillah Ya Allah dgn rezeki mu ini. Semoga semuanya berjalan lancar sepangjang tempoh kandungan ni dlm my peyot hehe

Owh penat nye menaip. Next entry je la aku smbung pasal appoinment ngn gynea tu ek hehe

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Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Wednesday, January 14, 2015 0 comments
Ingt x last time aku de wat entry pasal LOFALENS utk aku kawen aritu. So arini aku nk wat entry 2nd time aku beli Lofalens ni. Nape aku return beli Lofalens ni?

Ok meh cni aku nk wat promo x berbayar sket. Sbb Lofalens sgt selesa. Aku kn mmg pemakai contact lens yg tegar. So da mcm2 brand colour or plain yg aku gune. Tp kalo yg kaler tu, mmg Lofalens yg paling selesa. Sbb die x lembut sgt, die x lari2 seluruh ank mata smpai mata nmpk mcm alien, n yg penting die x kering.

Wahhhh efektif sgt ko wat review ni hehe

So sape2 nk try boleh search hashtag Lofalens kt ig. Mmg byk ig shop yg jd agent ni. Xcaye cer try search hehe

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Cute Kitchen Measuring Spoon

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Wednesday, January 14, 2015 0 comments

Alaaaaa xboleh nye tgk bnde yg cencomel2 sgt ni. Mcm nk pengsan. Pastu tgk plak kaler nye pink striking n shocking tu. Wahhh pengsan terus hehe

Aritu kengkonon nye nk membaking pastu tgk xde scoop nk measure bahan2. Kalo kt umh mak tu, mmg aku sll pkai sukatan cawan gemok je. Mst accurate py la hehe

Then tetibe aku g kt Daiso tu, terjumpa plak bnd ni. Before ni xde taw kt Daiso, sbb aku kn mc sll g Daiso kn, ibarat Daiso tu sebelah opis je hehe So tanpa berpikir pnjng aku grab la. De kaler yellow n green, tapi apelah yg de ngn kaler2 tu sume. Harus lah pink pilihan ati kn hehe

Nk beli measuring spoon brand Jamie Oliver tu mmg x mampooooo nye, so pakai yg cmni pon ala2 fefeeling Jamie Oliver r kan. Masak cekodok pon jd sedap mcm mkn scone kn hehe Omputeh sgt la ko ni Jemah hehe

So bek korang g Daiso yg berhampiran carik thsi thing. Sgt bergune ohoiiiiiii

Pastu scroll2 kt igshop kegemaran Mak Jemah, Pink Vintage Home tu, nmpk plak die pon de scoop yg same tu. Mst Daiso gk tu kn hehe

OK! nk masak cekodok gune scoop skang gk hehe

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Sunday, January 11, 2015

New Year Gift

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Sunday, January 11, 2015 0 comments

Ni New Year gift dr company aku keje skang. Ni la yg best nye sbb management never fails to give us any gift suring festival times. Mcm last time masa Chrismass dapat 1 box of travel kit which are luggage tag,ear plug,nect support n towel. Gamba xde sbb time tu mcm pemalas tahap gaban. Gaban pon x malas cmtu oiiii

Time raya n deepavali pon dpt gift. Raya tu opkoa la dpt kueh raya. Deepavali best sbb dapat shawl pashmina hehe

So ini kalo gift for new year plak. Dapat organizer book. Yg ni aku suke sgt sbb sgt bgune kan hehe

Kaler oren pon xpe la,da mmg xde option len hehe

Ayt ni paling best. Rase dihargai gitu hehe

Tq UEMS for the gift and all the gifts hehe

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Friday, January 2, 2015

The 3 Series

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Friday, January 02, 2015 0 comments

I saw this post very frequently posted by my 1985 friends. And i found  it cute. Yesss this year 2015,all the 1985 babies are turning into 30. 

So taon ni da 30 taon,tp aku masih lg fefeeling 18 taon. Aku kn mmg jiwe mude,so i dont really care about the numbers hehe

2014 has left us. So much memories left,which will remain as memories as long as i can remember. 

April 2014 - wedding shopping trip ke Bandung. Yuppp time ni I was like a ripe-plum to be harvested. Sgt gemokkk T_T

June 2014 - Bali trip with my lovely happy family

July 2014 - my last raya as a single daughter. I love my mak n abh

August 2014 - im engaged yawwww. I love this photo sbb nnpk betape kalut n huru hara nye family aku, as always hehe

November 2014 - im officially married. Nmpk x betape menawan nye senyuman aku tu haha

December 2014 - reception kt tempat Mr Reza. sekali lagi maapkan family aku yg x pernah nk disiplin tu hehe

Closing of 2014 - honeymoon to Bali n Bandung. Our precious time together hehe

2015,im turning 30. One of my wish few years back that I wish to get married before the age of 30. Alhamdulillah, Allah granted my wish.

Byk lg bnd yg blom dicapai utk the next coming years. Hopefully rumah tangga jd lebih ceria n bahagia. 

2015 - please bring good things n good memories to be a good mentor in my life

Happy new year everyone. Lets have a bless moments through all these 365 days. N to all 1985 babies,welcome to the 3 series hehe

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