Thursday, September 18, 2014

Health Screening

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Thursday, September 18, 2014

Actuaaly last week. Wedenesday 17.09.2014, company aku berkolaborasi *ayt SPM* dgn Klinik MedicXcel aka Pantai Hospital de organize free health screening utk staff. Benda free kn, rugi kalo x try. Pastu plak de geng, jd g r berjemaah ke check-up tu kn hehe

Kena timbang berat badan, ukur tinggi, amek darah n wat ECG ataupon Electrocardiography atau pon ceq jantung bahasa org pontian nye hehe

The check up process went well, so as per email, result and consultation boleh dapat pada 18.09.2014. Seminggu je kan. Efektif abessssss haha

So nk taw pe result nye???? Jengjengjenggggggg

As I expected, bacaan aku mmg lari sket. Aku ingt tang glucose content, rupe nye salah. Kt salt content. Haaaaa boleh jd darah tinggi mak nokkkkk. Sbb pg tu boleh aku konfiden mkn pisang, pastu mkn roti cicah kari ikan mak aku yg superb tu. Aku mmg lupe abes pasal health screening ni Haaaaa mmg kelaot la bacaan aku kn.Xpeeee yg tu aku boleh accept lg.

Yg aku kecewa tu aku py colestrol boleh plak 6.1. Actually normal reading is 5.2 haha da lebih dr paras normal da ni hehe Die state kt situ because of too much egg and seafood consumption haha Da mmg la kan, sbb aku tgh diet high protein kn. Da kate nk membina badan supaya ketul2 kn hehe

So aku ckp doc aku mmg tgh diet sbb nk kawen, so doc tu boleh trace aku wat Atkins. So die kate still boleh amek carbo tapi in a very tiny portion. Supaya boleh balance nutrients dalam badan hehe Doc advice aku ambik oat n test lg dlm 6 bulan huhu

So skang ni aku tgh gigih survey oat kt farmasi. Mahal gk makanan kesihatan ni kan. Xpe la Quaker Oat pon boleh hehe

Hmmmmm...oat...psyllium husk...chia seeds...let's start!!!!!

Nota Kaki : harap2 dlm masa 6 bulan de lg healt screening free hehe thnx company ;p

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