Friday, July 24, 2015

It's a boy???

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Friday, July 24, 2015 0 comments
Last time aku de share pasal scan gender baby kn. so hasil dr gambo scan tu,ramai yg kate sebijik muke aku haha ehhhh ank buah aku yg darjah 5 si aisya tu pon pndai evaluate kate 'ehhhhh sebijik muke cikda.idung nye mulut nye' hehe sbb idung n mulut aku mcm kecik cute je *muntah la ko baca* kalo ikot Mr Reza idung tu de beso n mancung sket hshe

Haaaaa more to muke aku kn sbb idung kecik je hehe 

So dr scan doc mmg obviously its a boy. Doc siap tnjuk gamba 3d lil todd ni terkangkang. Ehhhh malu la sket nakkkk hehe

Actually aku mcm da de instinct gk pasal gender baby ni. Ye r instinct mak2 kn mmg sll nye btol. Lgpon ramai yg tegur aku preggy baby boy ni hehe so mcm xbape surprise bile doc kate lelaki sbb mcm da boleh agak hehe

Masa memule preggy dulu,aku mmg kuat mkn asam. Kalo balek umah mak aku mmg aku korek2 dapur carik asam. Atas meja offce tu pon mst kne de asam. Asam plak senang nk dpt kt tmpt keje aku ni sbb kedai jajan mmg bsepah. 1 day de meeting kt Singapore aku bawak bekal asam tu n share2 atas meja meeting,then 1 of my managee tegur 'u ni mst pregnant ank lelaki ni. Sbb masa wife i pregnant ank laki pon cmni gk. kuat mkn asam' tp jap je addicted kt asam tu. after 4 months cmtu da xde teringin pon kt asam hehe

Then officemate aku byk tegur 'ehhhh muke ko berseri2. Mst ko pregnant ank laki ni' ayt cmtu r yg sll aku dgr. Bukan aku yg puji kn. officemate kn hehe sbb aku perasan pon sejak pregnant ni,keinginan nk melawa tu trover2. Mmg r aku g offce sll makeup. Tp light makeup je r. Sejak pregnant da tebal sket makeup nye. Dgn foundation nye,eyeshadow nye. Siap beli foundation,compact powder n eyeshadow baru lg haha

Kawan2 Mr Reza plak de ty kt Mr Reza pe yg pelik masa aku memule preggy tu. Mr Reza kate aku xboleh bau perfume. Mmg pon tp de certain perfume tu aku ok je. Ehhh memilih r plak idung ni hehe pastu die kate sama mcm wide die masa pregnant ank laki die. Perfume sume dibuang. Owhhh aku x snggop buang perfume. Mahal tuuuu perfume hehe then die kate lg kalo aku tdo mengiring ke kiri meaning that aku pregnant baby boy. Mmg aku lebih selesa tdo mengiring ke kiri pon hehe kebetulan plak kn hehe

So sume tu sign yg mcm kebetulan kot. Xtaw r plak kalo kua nnt tetibe nye pmpn kn. image confusinh time scan hehe

Dpt baby boy ni aku dpt mgembirakan mak aku. Sbb all this time cucu die sume yg 3 org tu pmpn. N dlm family Sanot tu,lelaki paling kecik adalah abg aku haha tapi mak aku dpt 2 cucus this time. Laki n pmpn,so mmg rezeki r kn hehe

Hopefully lil todd ni jd yg terbaik wat kami sume. Semoga sume nye selamat n lancar. Aminnnnn

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++ enjoy lil things in life ++

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Health Sharing

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Wednesday, July 22, 2015 0 comments

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Never too late to start..

++ enjoy lil things in life ++

33 Weeks Pregnancy

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Wednesday, July 22, 2015 0 comments

Minggu ni my pregnancy age da 33 weeks. 33 weeks di hari raya hehe Kalo da hari raya tu mmg aktif nye len mcm sket. Mmg dr zaman skolah smpai zaman bujang2 mmg aku kne sgt cergas time raya. Kemas umah,isi kueh raya yg beratus jenis,wat air,cuci cawan hehe

So kecergasan tu mmg terbawak2 smpai time pregnant da sarat ni. Sampai r ari raya ke 4 tu mlm nye aku xboleh nk tdo lena. Perut aku start saket. Mengeras pastu baby dok aktif sgt. Asek2 bgn g toilet. Kencing, berak, nk muntah. Haishhh aku pikir ni sbb terover aktif r ni. Xpon aku byk sgt minum air manis raya2 ni. 

Malam td pon lg kronik saket nye. Da terjaga tu minum air pon x boleh tdo. Saket je perut smpai xtaw da nk wat posisi cane. Kebetulan aku mmg de check up kt Klinik Desa arini. So yg mgembirakan nye HB aku tinggi woooo 11.5. Xpnh2 cecah 11.5 kn. de skali je pnh 11.2 haha

Gula de sket tnggi. N time check perut tu ckp kt nurse perut asek saket je da 2 mlm ni. Nurse kate baby da pusing da. Kepale die da kt bawah sbb tu aku rase saket mengeras je perut.

Nurse kate mengeras die mmg berpanjangan. Kalo nk bersalin mengeras die jap2 je paling lama pon dlm 40sec cmtu. Seb bek nurse ni byk bg ilmu. Lega sket aku. Kalo tidak kemurungan je aku mikir kn saket ni hehe

Tapi saket die ni mmg saket r. Pinggang saket,celah kangkang tu saket. Asek rase nk kencing, nk berak je. Berak senang je plak tu. cair x cair sgt gitu haha Nk jalan pon susah. Duduk salah,jap2 baring. Baring kiri kanan huhu kalo keep on saket cmni mmg rancak MC r aku pasni huhu

Tp aku perasan yg bawah dada aku da mcm kosong sket r. Pastu rase perut tu da beso kt bawah. Duduk pon x boleh nk sopan sgt. Nk kasi kangkang sket br selesa haha buruk rupe kn hehe

Seb bek next week 30hb de appoinment dgn Doc Isa kt PSMC,confident sket aku nk check up ngn die tu hehe

Aku cite kt mak start r die gelabah diw kate aku da nk bersalin. Siap bg kaen batik wat g hospital hehe yeker aku bersalin awal ni? Kalo ye pon pe salah nye jnji sume nye selamat. Lg pon da xlarat nk bawak perut da ni huhu

Aku pon jd mcm kalut gk ni. Brg2 baby aku x basuh lg. setakat ni da 95% complete brg die. Brg mommy je x cmplete sgt. Bengkung x beli lg. penting woooo sbb aku kn keturunan jawa. Jawa mmg penting kn penjagaan time bersalin ni hehe aku da start susun jadual bile nk cuci brg baby,nk kemas brg nk berpantang kt kg hehe fuhhhhh nevessss 1st time mommy ni hehe

Ok baby. Be good ye. So hope things wont get complicated. Hopefully everything will go smoothly n fine. Aminnnn

Nahhhh share sket gambo raye ngn perut mebuyung ni. Raya ini kali aku tiada  dlm gamba Sanot's family sbb aku beraya die perantauan di raya pertama hehe

Saket ati kn sbb aku tiada dlm gambo huhu

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Mata Bengkak Sebab Siput Sedut

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Wednesday, July 22, 2015 0 comments
1st week of Ramadhan aritu,ari Khames kitorang 1 family plak nk buke puasa kt luar. Disebabkan husband adek aku yg keje kapal tu da nk nek job,so kitorg last minute plan buka puasa ni. So family angah aku je yg xdpt join.

Kitorg pilih venue dr list tempat iftar kt jb. Dlm berjuta2 list tu kitorg sgt tertarik ngn La Grandeur Park Kulai sbb die py concept gulai kawah. Family aku mmg antu gulai kawah after makan Gulai Tujuh Kawah kt Loq Staq dulu hehe Harge pon not bad RM75 per pax inc tax sume. Every 10 pax get 1 pax free.

So da berkira2 tu,kitorg sume de r 13 org. So just bayar utk 12 org je r kn. at 1st tu mcm 'alamakkkk best ke idok tmpat ni' da r xpnh g sini pastu siap de org kate sini x best r pe r. Xpe r labu kite try je kalo xtry mane nk taw kn hehe

So mmg hasil nye sgt x mengecewa kan. Paling best nye sbb mmg xramai org. Heaven gile kalo buffet buka puasa xtamai org kn. xde nye la nk Q bagai nk amek food. Food die pon mmg variety. Nasik puteh,nasik beryani,sate,kambing golek,dessert,rojak. Mmg byk r. Gulai kawah die de udang yg sgt superb. N yg paling best de siput sedut masak lemak. Wahhhhh feveret mak jems sgt tu. gigih aku menyedut sepinggan penuh hehe

Overall mmg best tmpt ni. Mmg berbaloi sgt la. Xyah nk ke hotel sgt la sbb hotel bese nye mmg full house n pack gile hehe

Then malam tu da settle sume nye tgh2 tdo tetibe aku terjaga sbb mata aku gatal sgt. Pehhhh die py mengenyam tu xtahan bebbb. Aku gosok2 ehhhh makin menjadi2 plak die. Aku da cuci ngn air n lap bersih2. Gatal gk. ehhhh ni x mungkin pasal contact lens sbb kalo contact lens gatal die tang dlm tu. ni gatal tang kelopak. Time tu kelopak aku da start bengkak da. Lame2 aku pikir aku rass ni sume sbb siput. Da xpasal2 aku jd elergik seafood plak kn. mcm2 preggy mummy ni huhu

Sok nye g keje mmg mata bengkak haha abes aku kne bahan ngn nonok2 mulut lancang tu haha

So pasni aku taw r yg xpasal2 aku kne control the eating of seafood huhu

Tapi siput sedut sedap sgt. Cane niiii!!!!

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Thursday, July 9, 2015

30 weeks da ank mummy ni..

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Thursday, July 09, 2015 0 comments
Last week ari selase 30 june aku g PSMC utk monthly check up. Sepatut nye appoinment aku 27 june tp since tu ari sabtu,aku prefer dragged to weekdays sbb weekends mmg sll nye penuh mcm pasar malam haha

Masa aku g ari sabtu tu kire de 2 pasang je tgh tnggu turn. Aku je x sepasang dtg sbb ari keje kn hehe so mcm bese amek urine,test bp,weight. Ok tang weight tu ngeri yeee

Mmg aku da agk sgt da aku mmg kne lecture ngn Doc isa arini pasal berat aku nek. Bukan berat aku je,berat baby pon da terproject 1 week earlier. Berat baby that time is 1.7kg for 30 weeks old. Ptt nye berat tu utk 31 weeks.

So doc start bising soh kontrol makan. Jgn makan itu ini. Kalo tidak baby lahir 3.6kg n dgn mummy yg kecik ni,takot baby susah nk kua. So kne ceaser. Omg😅😅😅

Kalo baby weight 3.2kg boleh normal lg. alaaaa ngeri mak oiiiii. Aku nk normal. Xnk ceaser. Xpe aku kne confident. Aku kn boleh hehe

Skang baby sgt aktif. Tp dapat rase yg die py movement tu terbatas sbb sempit kot dalam tu. haishhhh geli2 perut mummy kalo die keep on shuffling dlm tu hehe

 Due date stick to the 1st estimates which is 5 sept. Yg 29 august tu sbb ikot physical baby yg da over awal seminggu hehe

Come on baby!!!!kite kena berusaha sama2 supaya dapat deliver normal hehe

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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Mesti Ada Hikmahnya...

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Thursday, July 02, 2015 0 comments
Ingt x aku dulu byk post pasal jodoh aku lmbt. Ye r,aku kawen end of last year which I was 29 at that time. That was actually my back up planned since my 1st planned to get married at the age of 25 (after finished my study) but my planned is not granted by Allah. Everything was ruined in its way.

So my back up plan was 'MUST getting married before the age of 30' n Alhamdulillah Allah granted my wish. He met me with a person,not rich with money n assets,but rich n richer n richest  with his loves.

So sementara nk tnggu jodoh yg lmbt sgt nk menjenguk tu,mmg sll sgt aku kena sound,kena perli,kena cakap2 belakang pasal x kawen lg kn. ehhhh sape yg xnak kawen,gile kooooo. Da mmg ketentuan Illahi jodoh aku lmbt kn. Stress ko aku ni. Sebellll yg amat haha Especially bila adek aku da kawen dulu. Aku ni tidak la stress ngn jodoh lmbt tp aku stress ngn org yg dok push aku ni huhu

Kalo ikot kn diri aku,aku mmg positif walaupon kdg2 neves gk mmg x kawen ke aku ni? Sape nk jg aku tua2 nnt haha narrow minded gk aku tp aku lebih byk positif la. Sepanjang mbujang tu aku dapat g melancong puas2 ngn geng2 n family. X r puas sgt tp de r gk hasil nye kn. idup pon lebih stabil. Bg mak abh rase senang sket kn. Sbb tu r Allah tetap kn jodoh aku lmbt sket. De hikmah nye.

Lepas kawen aku terus preggy kn. tu sume unplanned rezeki. Syukur Alhamdulillah.

And there was a true story where someone was just finished her study,and getting married. At that time she was just 2 weeks after her last exam paper. So she was stil not working at that time,getting married with depending on her duet hantaran n parents money. After getting married,she was stil not working,as it is not easy to get jobs nowadays. 

Then after graduated,she got a job,which she survived her job not even for a month. Then she quited as she got pregnant. 

The issue here is that her mother is started to mention out everything like 'shes depending on my money when getting married' 'i dont get to use her own-paid salary like other mummy' 'its nonsense that i sent her study to her degree end up shes not even worked n be a housewife' and so on.

And even her mother started comparing with myself 'cikda tu xpe,da keje bertaon gj da beso da bg rase mak abh br kawen n terus ngandong' opssss!!! 

Dulu aku r yg dicaci sbb kawen lmbt, skang aku yg dipuji pule yeeee. Hati manusia mmg mudah berubah hehe

Ngndung awal tu bg aku is rezeki. Allah set everything. But i honestly advise that everything happened with reasons.

Kenape Allah bg pregnant cepat. Kenape kite rase hidup susah. Kenape kite kawen  lmbt. End up at the end nnt br kite nmpk hikmah nye. 

Just ignore what peoples say. We cant simply control peoples big mouth. Believe me, i have suffered a lot because of peoples mouth but i just ignored it. Ar the end org pon penat nk bercakap.

Just be happy and go with the flow. Allah set everything n He knows whats best for us..

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