Remenmer last time i wrote about NILE.COM ?? Yg aku jmp dr blog Namee Roslan tu kan. So aku pon dgn segera bukak website tu sbb xnk jd ketinggalan zaman nk online shopping. Last2 mmg aku tjebak sbb die tgh sale n brg die cute2 koooo. Aku kn mmg mudah tergoda kn. So mmg terpedaye la ni hehe
One thing yg sgt best, delivery items die sgt pantas. U dont have to wait until ages to get your ordered items pon. So xyah susah2 nk follow up items n tracking parcel bagai. xsempat nk tracking pon parcel da smpai depan pintu. Pantas nye GDex haha
So this time py purchased, ni hasil tangkapan nye. Mst korang rase mcm 'e'eleh die ni. Gunting pon nk beli online ke?' de aku kesah. Sbb murah ko. Tgh sale kn. Pastu mmg aku tgh nk carik gunting. Selain gunting aku beli, nail clipper set, rice scoop, cullus buffer n plastic seal hehe
Yg pnting sume nye cute hehe
Yg penting nail clipper ni de dalam bwekas die, so xde la terciviran ke ape ke snn sll nye jd kt umh nail clipper mst ilang xtaw ktne. Sbb placed sepah2 kan hehe
So try la bukak website sure de je bnde nk beli hahaha
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