Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Apekahhhh jual makanan da expireddddd!!!

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Actually pg ni aku de appoinment pasal braces aku tu r. Ok arini da last aku baya utk braces aku so mksd nye da rm4500 la aku melabur kt gigi aku. Nk cntek bseri mcm gigi fazura py pasal haha pasni boleh pkai colgate nnt puteh melepak mcm gigi fazura kn hehe tp sbb aku da request jt doc nk bukak bfore aku kawen nnt,so doc soh aku adjust appoinment aku jd 2 minggu skali hehe xkesah la kannnn

So after dental tu aku terus la g Giant sbb Giant je yg paking dekat ngn clinic. Aku cume nk carik cereal n susu utk breakfast je. Lame gk aku mbelek cereal tu. Sbb aku mbelek contents die tu. Last2 aku pilih Geeat Grains yg de banana n nits tu. Pasal pe? Mst la sbb gmbo kt kotak die tu mgoda aku. Pasal kndungan carbo tu no 2 haha

Time aku nk baya tu,aku tgk staff kaunter tu g kt kawan die tunjuk pasal kotak cereal tu. Mule2 aku ingt isu tanda halal ke ni. Sbb product ni mcm bkn local product kn. Kalo pasal isu halal,aku salute r staff bi sbb concern kn. Skali die dtg kt aku ckp bnd tu da expired. Aku jd mcm 'omggggg kawwww gile'

Then aku ckp smbil ketawe2 kt staff tu 'nape da expired korang letak kt situ. Salah taw. Nnt customer beli' pastu die ckp 'sy xtaw kak' aku ckp lg xnk kalah kn 'ehhh korang kne ceq taw.ni bahaye cmni' pastu staff tu kate ' nnt sy gtaw kt store people' then aku proceed la dgn brg aku yg len. Pastu aku notice yg staff tu xde mintak maaf. Ok xpe. Gelabah sgt r tu kne tegur kn. Kalo da salah kne la tegur kn. Kalo x nnt x belaja dr kesilapan huhu

Mcm ni la cereal yg aku beli tu. Mmg nmpm mgoda gile kn hehe

Then spnjng on the way balek runah tu aku tpikir2 lg. Sll nye kalo beli roti je Ku ceq expiry date. Tp kalo beli brg kering mmg xpnh ceq sbb sll brg kering expiry date die pnjng kn. So kt cni aku blaja kalo nk beli pe pon,selain ko ceq halal,contents tu sume,ceq la expiry date. Sbb staff ni kdg2 tlepas pndng kn huhu

Pastu balek tu aku rase aku kne report kt giant malaysia sbb bnd ni bahaye gk. Kalo orb da tbeli brg expired,boleh kne food poisoning taw. Sbb expiry food will transform into poison later on huhu so slmt la aku wat report. So hopefully giant take immediate action n be more alert on this issue la. Saman2 ahkak x men dekkkk. Ahkak cume nk bg diorg sedar kealpaan je.

Ok. Selamat berhati2 time shopping hehe n arini saturday. No plastic bag in johor hehe

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