Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Shopping At Pinky Bears - Fashion Boutique

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Tuesday, July 02, 2013
Aku nk share sikit pengalaman aku beli barang *xnk gune word shopping* kt PINKY BEARS ni. Sbb kalo ikot kn, bkn 1st time aku beli ngn PINKY BEARS ni, tapi disebab kn servis die masa 1st time aku beli tu mmg tiptop so aku xde rasa was2 nk beli lagi.

Pinky Bears Website

Aku punye order history

Actually PINKY BEARS ni online boutique yg jual accessories n apparels utk gegurl. Mmg aku suke kedai2 cmni. Pastu aku sll kalo nk beli barang mmg aku cmpare dulu harga die. So yg aku perasan harga accessories mcm bangles n neclaces mmg sgt murah kt sini. 

Masa 1st purchased tu aku beli sets of bangles n adjusted bangle n 2 fashion rings. After confirm order n wat payment, dlm masa 2 ari je aku da dapat parcel. Means that, die x amek masa yg lama utk confirm payment n process for posting. Mmg kalo ty aku, aku sgt puas ati ngn servis die ni. Im giving 10 stars out of 10 hehe

My 1st purchase

Then the 2nd purchase aku baru wat semalam. Aku beli 1 sets if bangles, 1 bracelet n 2 long neclaces.  Semalam aku wat payment through my debit card Hello Kitty tu, n malam tu terus PINKY BEARS email confirm received the payment, and processing for delivery. Siap bagi tracking number siap2. Mmg pantas kn. Aku rase kedai die ni operate 25 hour kot per day hehe

My 2nd purchase

Confirmation email 

Then payment system die pon xsusah. Boleh baya gune online banking, paypal, or credit/debit card. Aku gune debit card je senang hehe Order form die pon xde la mengarut sgt. Simple but efektif hehe

After every purchase die akn bg email utk bagi testimony review pasal servis die, n bile baca review dr customers sume mmg kate superb. N aku pon x tlepas pluang nk share bnde bagus. Ape salah nye share kn  hehe

Heyyyyy that's mineeeeee

Mmg skang ni aku tgh suke nk pkai accessories. Especially gelang2 yg byk n meriah. N arini im wearing a cuff bangle from PINKY BEARS

Cuff bangle

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++ enjoy lil things in life ++



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