Touch sgt ngn officemate i skang ni.mcm2 treat diorang bg di saat2 akhir nk benti ni huhu
Last week my dear siew len blnje i nasik beryani.sedap sgt.die ajak sbb die kate beryani kedai tu sedap gile.ok..touch satu kali.
Mlm plak die ajak lepak secret recipe *blkng office je* dr balek keje smapi da dkt kol 9 lepak situ.chit chatting smbil mkn kek sambil minum.smpai da kering gelas sbb air da abes masih blom balek.staff secret recipe pon pndang smcm.maybe sbb aku soorang je malay kot.da aku lepak ngn siew lean,nelly,yi fan n bryan.sah2 la aku sorang je malay *tgk nama da tahu* hehe tp enjoy gile sbb jarang2 dpt wat cmtu kn.ok touch dua kali hehe
Khamis de lunch treat kt office kire mcm farewell party kt aku r.even xboleh nk mkn sgt aku pasrah je mkn roti pizza yg aku rase mcm nk roboh kn pagar ruyung aku ni haha siap de sesi gambo2 i xsuke la gmba i ngn baju oranje tu.i nmpk gomok n mcm2 auntie2 haha ok..gomok ke..auntie ke..i tetap touch kali ke tiga.paling touch bila soklan 'u bila mahu kawen?' ok touch gile ok.bcause i have no answer for that precious question hehe
Ptng jumaat de dinner n BBQ sempena mid-autumn celebration.ingt mula2 mls join tp dipujuk2 aku pon join je la..spending my time with th before cabut kn.mknn byk gile n BBQ lagi.besh!!!tp i ni mkn mcm kucing.tkuis2 haha naseb si gigi besi
Last day ni de plak coffee time ngn team project aku.nus idaman team..homaiiii!!!im touch ok.xtaw da kalo ke berapa haha
Sesungguh nye i sgt touch ngn u olls..people here do care about me..
Thanx guys..i really appreciate everything.thanx a lot for so many keep in touch with
ok..laa..touch lagi haha
Word of the day ye ..TOUCH..
*edited by Nelly*

macam x percaya je pakai oren
Tu r kn.. TOUCH haha
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