Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Happy Ramadhan with Baby

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Wednesday, June 24, 2015 0 comments
Hi Stalkers,

Happy Ramadhan to all. Since Ramadhan, or clearly, since before Ramadhan lagi, mmg aku xde update blog. Mcm sebok sgt kot haha Boleh gitu hehe

So kena la wish Happy Ramadhan to all, even today actually da 7 Ramadhan hehe So since da 7 Ramadhan ni, dapat ke tidak full puasa 7 ari tu? Mommy with big tummy ni jgn ty la hehe Kalo pepagi da muntah, mmg perut terus kosong, tiny todd dalm tummy ni pon start mengaruk. Sbnr nye bukan morning sickness kot, tapi kalo pagi2 muntah die abes kua sume yg makan time sahur huhu

Semalam plak, 24 June aku kena g KL utk meeting n discussion. Wahhhhh last minute kena nek flight la plak. Ngn biggy tummy ni lagi kn. Kalo ikot kn flight regulations, pregnancy from week 28 kena ada Release Letter from doctor yg ckp we are fit for onboard. Disebabkan aku mcm kelam kabut n xsmpat tu, mmg aku x g amek surat dr doc pon. So bile kena fill up In Flight Declaration Form tu, aku pon auta la aku 26 weeks. Padahal da 29 weeks da aku ni hehe

Sbb tu la aku lepas nek flight smlm. De gk yg ty tp aku ckp je la aku da isi form. Masa tnjuk form kt stewardess kt flight die de ty "de plan nk nek flight lg ke?" then aku pon confident kate "xde kot" ayt malas nk pnjng lebau kan "kalo lpas ni nk nek flight kena de surat doc ye sbb da 28 weeks" "ok" aku kate hehe

So smlm ngn rushing wat itu ini, tp amazingly aku xrase penat n aku mampu utk puasa smpai waktu berbuka. Bos aku siap kagum lg kate "wahhh Irdawati sooo fit" haha tq baby baby cooperation. Tapi xtaw time nk tdo tu baby tunjuk perasaan mengeras n menumbuk mummy nye hehe Penat letewwww

Ni mummy with biggy tummy. Beso kn perot aku. Takot hehe So arini mcm penat gile nk g keje. Smlm smpai dr KL pon da dekat kol12. Seb bek my kind-gentle-lovey-dovey sister in law de kirim ikan pari masak asam pedas n cocktail pudding kt Mr Reza, so aku just panas kn laok je utk sahur n goreng telur dadar sket hehe Sbb smlm Mr Reza kena buka sorang2, so aku soh die g buka ngn family sister in law, so xde la aku sedeh sgt memikirkan si dia sorang2 kn hehe

Plan arini nk masuk lmbt sket, skali plak de internal team meeting. Aku smpai kol9. Meeting kol9. Hambek ko beramai2 kena sound ngn boss baru yg kecik comel hehe Department aku mmg xde disiplin sgt bab attandence ni so mmg beramai2 la jd mcm makan cili kn kepedasan die tu hehe Xpe la mmg salah sndiri kn hehe

Pastu lepas meeting dapat email dr Group MD. Staff benefit die nek kan. Dari klinik, outpatient, n hospitalization. Alhamdulillah syukur. Lg2 aku py dependent bertambah ni kan. Ngn spouse ngn nk ada anak lg kn. So mmg membantu sgt la. Kalo dulu aku sorang2 je cover mmg cukup sgt la kan. Tapi skang tidak lg hehe Syukur Ya Allah. Boleh la aku operate idung aku lepas ni haha Xtahan ko sejak pregnant 5 bulan tetibe idung aku resdung. Mmg nk kena operate la ni hehe

Lepas tu aku tergerak plak nk bukak claim MICARE aku. Tgk2 de status PAID. What!!! Segera bukak cimb click. Aku kalo bab duet mmg pantas kilat. Bukan aku je kot, sume org aku rase hehe Alhamdulillah lg, duet claim da masuk. Da sgt ujung bulan ni, mmg agk tercekik la kan. Dgn g KL nye smlm mmg duet abes cmtu je huhu Nk tunggu gaji sok mmg mcm lame noooo lahaiiii hehe

Alhamdulillah, xsia2 pagi2 kena sound lewat ngn bos hehe

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++ enjoy lil things in life ++

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Langau.. Go away..

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Thursday, June 11, 2015 0 comments

Haishhh ko pnh x rase mcm aku rase ni. Mcm de langau terbang2 keliling ko. Ishhh annoying gile kot. Da cukup stress ngn keje,aku stress ngn langau plak huhu

Plisssss la langau. Go away. Kang aku spray ko ngn ridsect kang br ko taw aku zalim ke x haha

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Live Life To The Fullest

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Thursday, June 11, 2015 0 comments

I found that this graphics are cute..yet meaningful..

Semua org pon rase nye mcm..ehhhh sekejap nye masa blalu. Mcm br smlm je g skolah,la ni da keje da de family kn hehe

Dulu2 masa kecik2 nk sgt jd beso,da beso teringat2 zaman kecik2 dulu. Rindu sgt zaman yg da lepas tu. Zaman men panjat pokok,zaman skolah,zaman kolej n zaman uitm. Kalo tgk gmbo2 lame mst mcm senyum sorang2 sbb rewind all those old memories hehe

Enjoy your life to the fullest. We never knew what future will bring us. Paling aku appreciate ialah zaman membujang aka before kawen. Aku mmg kawen agk lmbt. But that will never ever ever be the most regret thing in my life,because i found that my bachelor life was awesome and fantastic. 

Aku smpat rase mcm2 zaman membujang tu. making my life full with colours,n making myself more muture. Bile tgk kawan2 seangkatan yg bujang lg tu,i was like 'that's ok,no need to get stress with all that married things,because life as a bachelor was always as good as it should be' xyah nk rushing sgt kawen,sbb bile da kawen,life is totally changed. No more lepaking with friends. Kalo de lepak pon, wont be as same as before huhu

So in whtever conditions in your life are,appreciate it every single moments. Yesss i am appreciating my pregnancy moments currenly,which i'll be missing it one day hehe

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Monday, June 8, 2015

There Is Nothing Like My Family

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Monday, June 08, 2015 0 comments

Yesss.. That's my family. Walaupon kdg2 de yg perangai pelik2, cakap mngarut2, tp that's my full-of-colours family.

Even skrg ni consider aku da de 2 family,which is my family in law,there's nothing like my own family.

Yg gila, yg sempoi, yg x pnh bkira. 

Thanks my family for being such a great-wonderful-awesome peoples.

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Friday, June 5, 2015

Ehhhh da 3rd Trimester

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Friday, June 05, 2015 0 comments

Arini bukak apps pregnancy kt Nodah ni, tetibe mcm terkejut tgk da 3rd trimester. Ehhhhh cepat nye hehe. Actually arini pregnancy age aku is26 weeks and 6 days. So aku google n dapat hasil nye ni...

Pregnancy has three trimesters, each of which is marked by specific fetal developments. A pregnancy is considered full-term at 40 weeks; infants delivered before the end of week 37 are considered premature. Premature infants may have problems with their growth and development, as well as difficulties in breathing and digesting.

First Trimester (0 to 13 Weeks)

The first trimester is the most crucial to your baby's development. During this period, your baby's body structure and organ systems develop. Most miscarriages and birth defects occur during this period.
Your body also undergoes major changes during the first trimester. These changes often cause a variety of symptoms, including nausea, fatigue, breast tenderness and frequent urination. Although these are common pregnancy symptoms, every woman has a different experience. For example, while some may experience an increased energy level during this period, others may feel very tired and emotional.

Second Trimester (14 to 26 Weeks)

The second trimester of pregnancy is often called the "golden period" because many of the unpleasant effects of early pregnancy disappear. During the second trimester, you're likely to experience decreased nausea, better sleep patterns and an increased energy level. However, you may experience a whole new set of symptoms, such as back pain, abdominal pain, leg cramps, constipation and heartburn.
Somewhere between 16 weeks and 20 weeks, you may feel your baby's first fluttering movements.

Third Trimester (27 to 40 Weeks)

You have now reached your final stretch of pregnancy and are probably very excited and anxious for the birth of your baby. Some of the physical symptoms you may experience during this period include shortness of breath, hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence, varicose veins and sleeping problems. Many of these symptoms arise from the increase in the size of your uterus, which expands from approximately 2 ounces before pregnancy to 2.5 pounds at the time of birth.
Reviewed by health care specialists at UCSF Medical Center.

So betul r da masuk 3rd trimester. Jap nye masa berlalu. Mcm baru je kawen haha Baby skang ni sgt aktif. Xkire masa asek bergerak2 je. Exicited nye aku hehe Kdg2 nmpk betape perut aku bergerak sbb die gerak kuat sgt. Perut pon da sll sgt lapar. Tgh2 mlm lapa, awal pagi lapa. Tapi aku malas nk layan kn sgt. Aku akan makan ikot time hehe

So ni keadaan perut aku utk 26 weeks. Besar ke kecik ek? Xnk la besar sgt sbb nnt xlarat plak aku nk membawak nye hehe Aku mmg suke sgt2 pakai maternity pants, sbb aku x suke pakai gown maternity or skirt. Nmpk mcm serabut n selebet haha Alaaa aku kn pnting kn penampilan,Fazura kateeeee hahaha muntah ijau la ko skang dgr ayt org xboleh blah py perasan hehe

So arini g keje ngn aura yg positive walaupon mcm bese lmbt g keje. 8.30 br kua umah haha Padahal 8.30 r office hour aku start hehe Tp ternyata dlm gemuks2 pregnant ni, aku bjaye gk maintain keruncingan dagu aku tu hahaha

So..come on baby..let's stay healthy.. stay young...n stay happy together hehe

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Preparation Jamu Lepas Bersalin

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Friday, June 05, 2015 0 comments
Dulu2 kn aku sll ngikot mak aku g melawat org bersalin kt kg. time tu aku kecik lg. bese r kn mmg adat g melawat org bersalin kn. pastu mak aku suke paw jamu org bersalin tu pastu bagi aku sket soh makan. Time tu mmg kecik lg,aku telan je mak aku bg tu. Da keturunan jawa totok kan, mmg jawa ngnn jamu x boleh dipisahkan hehe

Even time akak aku berpantang pon,aku je dok perabis jamu tu. sbb jamu tu mmg original org kg wat,sedap koooo. Mcm de pahit2 die tu. pahit n hangit haha sbb mak aku kate org tu masak jamu tu goreng tnpa minyak. Tu yg hangit2 tu hehe

Aritu mak aku da pesan soh beli jamu then aku bual2 ngn akak ipar aku die kate mase die bsalin dulu mak aku yg sediakan jamu beli kt org kg aku tu. tp
Setahu aku org kg aku yg wat jamu tu pon da passed away da. Akak ipar aku kate jamu org kg r bagus,xde pengawet xde chemical.

So aku pon try r ty officemate aku ni. Sbb kg die tu kt rengit so aku saspek mst de lg org kg tu yg wat jamu. Aku order ari jumaat,ari isnin da dpt. pantas gile koooo delivery smpai ke meja keje haha

So dlm plastik bag oren tu de jamu utk makan,pilis n param. Pilis tu utk pakai kt dahi,param kne lumur kn kt badan. Jamu opkos r wat makan hehe

Bile aku bau jamu tu, wahhhh mmg same dgn yg aku mkn dulu tu. cume beza nye yg ni halus n x masuk dlm botol. Yg mak aku beli kt org kg aku tu lebih kasar n dlm botol. Xpe nnt aku bersihkn botol sos aku masuk kn jamu ni dlm botol hehe

Hrge die utk 3 brg ni only RM35 je taw. Wahhh mmg jimat,xyah da beli set air mancur tu. sbb plan nk bli yg air mancur n beli loose nona roguy. Sbb aku suke nona roguy py phyto pill n minyak die tu hehe instruction pkai marker tu kawan aku yg tulis sndiri bia x lupe hehe

Hopefully de kekuatan nk makan n hopefully gk baby nnt x kne jaundice hehe kalo jaundice xboleh mkn jamu sbb pns kn hehe Tp lpas bersalin tu dlm 2-3 minggu br boleh amek jamu hehe

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Monday, June 1, 2015

Appoinment 26 Weeks - PSMC

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Monday, June 01, 2015 0 comments
27.05 appoinment ngn PSMC utk 6 months pregnancy. Bese r kalo g weekdays mmg kne jd loneranger sbb Mr Reza keje kn. aku plak kalo da pg tu g check up mmg terus x masuk opis. Pkerja yg rajen kn hehe so bile g weekdays ni mmg kurang patients. Time aku smpai tu cume de sorang je tgh tnggu turn.

Arini aku mcm neves sket sbb kalo ikot kn da boleh tgk gender baby. Mr Reza r yg paling over neves sbb dlm kepale die mmg da set ank laki. Sbnr nye da byk ptunjuk yg aku mcm carry a baby boy inside. So aku xrase mcm surprise sgt. Instinct a mother kn hehe

So ni muke excited + neves hehe arini mood Doc Isa bek gile. Siap bebual2 lg. time nk scan tu baby dok diam je skali doc tekan tepi perut aku terus baby berenang2 haha 

Pastu doc dgn confident nye kate 'laki' seyes ke doc? Aku da mcm 'aku da agk da' pastu wat 3d scan yg best. Nmpk jelas n terang muke baby. Yg 1st aku tgk idunh die 'ehhhh ikot idung sape tu' hehe

Idung nye kecik comel,mulut nye kecik comel. Alaaaaa geram nyeeeee hehe hello babyyyyyyyy

Dr 3d scan tu dic confirm kn lg mmg baby boy. Sbb clearly nmpn bebird die terto'et cmtu hehe

So for this month baby weight is 974g in 27 weeks n 4 days old hehe tp yg curious nye sbb nmpk EDD da berubah jd 29.08. Sbb bfore ni due date 5.9. Alamakkk da smpai umah br perasan plak tu. kalo kt klinik aku da jd reporter ty doc isa tu hehe

Tp menurut kawan aku yg bsalin kt PSMC tu,doc mmg estimate EDD based on condition baby dlm perut hehe kalo da alang2 29.08 tu doc,hold je la smpai 31.08. Dapat mokcik masuk newspaper bsalin kn ank merdeka hehe

Bile tnjuk kt ank buah aku si aisya tu,die kate 'ehhhhh sebijik muke cikda' haha nmpk sgt aku comel kn haha

So mcm bese supplement dpt obimin, calcium dgn neurogain. Aku pon just maintain je makan yg doc provide ni tambah iron dr klinik kesihatan sbb nk maintain hb kn hehe

Dpt lg sample susu. Kali ni dpt enfamama lg. nurse tu ty mnum susu x? Aku ckp aku xboleh minum susu pregnant so aku mnum susu kambing mbekmbek ngn susu kotak je. Nurse kate ok jnji minum susu hehe sample yg lpas pon le tong g nye,dpt lg sample. Nk tolak takot tkecik km ati nurse hehe

Xsabo nk gtaw mak. Mak mst excited nk dpt grandson. The 1st grandson in the family yawww. Untung la nakkkk hehe

++ enjoy lil things in life ++

Akhirnye Sampah Tu Berangkat Gak

Fictitious by chickyirdawati at Monday, June 01, 2015 0 comments
Aku kn de wat entry pasal Sampah Yg X Diangkat tu kan. Aku da try nk nek kn plastic bag tu atas rubbish bin tp mmg x kuat. Then ptg tu Mr Reza da angkt plastic bag tu atas rubbish bin. Sbb asek x bernagkat je kn. Tgk2 rumput kt bawah plastic bag tu pon da kuning n layu sbb da lame sgt bertepek kt situ kn huhu

Mr Reza kate maybe bagi org SWM tu, kalo bnd yg kite x letak dalam rubbish bin die consider kite buang sampah sepah2. Haishhh tgk situation r kot, ni smpah beso gedabak kot.

So ptg tu balek keje, tgk sampah tu mmg da diangkat. Laaaa btol la die nk kite letak gk dlm rubbish bin. Len kalo provide r rubbish bin sebeso kawah kacau dodol, baru la muat segala size smpah kn huhu

Nmpk kn kuning2 tepi rubbish bin tu. Tu la kesan lame sgt smpah tu x diangkat. Yg dlm tong elok je die angkt huhu

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